- How are we to know what kind of antivenom to use if we don't know what kind of snake it is? |如果我们不知道是哪种蛇,那又怎么知道 用哪种抗蛇毒的血清呢?
- Everybody is in rapid development process, how are we done weller than others? 大家都在快速发展过程中,我们怎么样比别人做得更好?
- Talking of Debbie's party, how are we going to get there? 谈到戴比家的聚会,我们打算怎么去那儿?
- How are we fixed for Saturday(= have we arranged to do anything)? 星期六我们是怎么安排的?
- How Are We Supposed to Do Facing the Desertification? 荒漠化面前我们该怎样作为?
- If you don't give us a receipt, how are we going to account for it? 你不开收据,我们回去怎么交差?
- How are we doing for time? 还来得及吗?
- Are we doing enough in that area? 我们在这些地区做得够了吗?
- How are we doing? 咱们怎样动手呢?
- But how are we to convince them? 但是我们怎么能使他们相信呢?
- How are we to build up our Party today? 我们今天要怎样建设我们的党?
- The question is: Are we doing it the right way? 但我们的方法对吗?
- How are we to go about achieving these goals? 目标确定了,从何处着手呢?
- How are we to consolidate the Party? 整党怎么搞?
- Now what are we doing over here? 你在这儿干什麽呢?
- How are we building our terrain mesh? 我们如何建立地形模型?
- What are we doing in Church on a Sunday morning? 我们在这儿做甚么?
- The thing is,how are we going to get there? 问题是,我们打算如何抵达那里?
- What are we doing on Saturday night? 我们周六晚上做什么?
- Malcolm, what are we doing here? 我们到底来这里干什么?