- And these kids won't know as adults how to relax. 这类孩子不知道如何像成人那样放松自己。
- Learn to Relax One of the most valuable skills you can learn is how to relax. 你能学会的最宝贵的技能之一是如何放松。
- Below are exercises that will teach how to relax the body, concentrate, clear the mind, raise energy, stimulate the chakras and enter the trance state. 以下是教你如何放松身体、集中注意力、净心、提升能量、刺激脉轮和进入恍惚状态的练习。
- Without thinking of how to relax, smoke out from my mouth will take all burdens away briefly. 不用去想如何放松自己,从嘴里吐出的烟会暂时地将所有负担带走的。
- We work hard at Acorn, but also know how to relax! We're sort of an introverted group, so you won't find a lot of wild parties here. 我们不仅在橡子园辛勤劳动,而且也懂得如何让自己放松。我们属于比较封闭的团体,所以你在这里不会发现有太多的野外活动。
- How to adjust exam psychology? ? ? 怎样调节考试心理???
- Do you know how to log in to the system? 你知道怎么登录进入这个系统吗?
- He has no idea of how to run a business. 他不知如何经商。
- Kings used to know how to hold down the people. 国王们往往都知道怎样使人们服从他。
- No one know better how to rig an election. 没有人更知道如何操纵选举。
- I have no a clue how to compose a Waltz. 创作华尔兹曲我是一窍不通。
- I have not the least idea about how to play bridge. 我一点儿不知道怎样打桥牌。
- He knew how to put over the ideas skilfully. 他懂得怎样巧妙地把这些意思讲清楚。
- He knows how to take a joke and make one. 他经得起别人开自己的玩笑,也会开别人的玩笑。
- I want to know how to put this in French. 我想知道如何用法语来表达这件事。
- I'm all at sea; I've no idea how to repair cars. 我手足无措,不知道怎样修理汽车。
- He taught Tom how to make a model airplane. 他教汤姆作模型飞机的方法。
- She wrote in for advice on how to grow roses. 她写信来咨询玫瑰花的栽培方法。
- It is important to know how to sell yourself. 知道如何向面谈者推销自己是重要的。
- She does not understand how to look after you . 她不知道应怎么照顾你。