- How to Manage Your Dental Clinic Successfully? 如何成功地建立私立牙科诊所?
- How to manage your nobleness in the nobler era? 更贵的时代何营销你的高贵?
- How to manage your shopping cart? 首页如何管理您的购物车?
- This tip explains how to manage your data within one instance while submitting a second. 这篇技巧解释了如何在一个实例中管理数据的同时提交另一个实例。
- This trend analysis allows you to be proactive in determining how to manage your Exchange servers in the future. 通过此趋势分析,可以主动确定将来如何管理Exchange服务器。
- Now that you know how to manage your time, you can try to prioritize tasks, control procrastination, and manage commitments at work and at home. 既然你知道了管理时间的方法,那么你就可以在家中和工作中,优先花你的任务,控制拖沓和管理承诺了。
- Because new versions of the runtime will be released and run in side-by-side execution, you must decide how to manage your application or component in this environment. 因为会发布运行库的新版本,并且会以并行执行方式予以运行,所以,您必须决定如何在该环境中管理您的应用程序或组件。
- You see we are learning how to manage our dreams just as ascending humans are learning to manage your dreams through focus, intention, and now in altering the music that we sing. 你看,我们正在学会如何通过聚焦、意愿,现在则通过改变我们所吟唱的音乐,来管理我们的梦想,就象提升人类正在学习管理你们的梦想一样。
- How to deal with the situation if your boss is poor in knowledge? 上司不如你,怎么办?
- He has no idea how to manage people. 他根本不知道如何做人事工作。
- His wife knows how to manage him when he is angry. 他的妻子知道在他生气时怎么对付他。
- She doesn't know how to manage her naughty children. 她不知道怎样管好自己的顽皮孩子。
- How to feedback the negative comments to your boss in time. 如何及时向上司反馈反面意见。
- She knows how to manage him when he is angry . 他生气时,她知道怎样控制他。
- Don't tell me how to manage my affairs. 用不着你来告诉我怎样管我自己的事。
- He hasn't the faintest idea how to manage people. 他根本不懂得人事管理。
- How to Manage Accumulation Fund Well? 公积金也须细管理?
- Join a conversation class now and learn how to answer your boss confidently and tactfully in English! 现在就参加口语课并学习如何自信并得体的用英语应对老板的问题!
- How to Manage Registry With Simple VB Programming? 注册表简要编程?