- How to Argue with Your Boss 如何与老板争辩
- How to deal with the situation if your boss is poor in knowledge? 上司不如你,怎么办?
- Find out how to stay out of trouble with your card. 找出麻烦你留出牌。
- How to get well along with your tutor? 如何脱颖而出赢得老板的器重!
- Nomatter how heatedly you have argued with your friends, you shoud learn how to be modest and tolerant. 无论你和你朋友吵架时他们侑多麽的过分,你都应该去学会宽容。
- How to feedback the negative comments to your boss in time. 如何及时向上司反馈反面意见。
- Don't you know how to get along with your classmates? 你难道不知道怎样跟同学相处吗?
- Join a conversation class now and learn how to answer your boss confidently and tactfully in English! 现在就参加口语课并学习如何自信并得体的用英语应对老板的问题!
- What happens if your boss already ignores your ideas and talks down to you... >> How to react? 如果你的上司已经开始忽略你的存在或是对你进行埋怨,你应该怎么办?...>>应对策略
- The purpose of user documentation is to describe how to work with your system. 用户文档的目的是描述如何使用系统。
- It all comes down to initiative,that is,taking action to get some thing done at work without waiting for your boss to tell you what to do or when and how to do it. 这都可归结为进取精神,即无需等待老板告诉你该做些什么,何时做、如何做,而是你自己采取行动将事情做好。
- When you have several ongoing projects and your boss adds mo re to your wo rkload, knowing how to prio ritize grows difficult. 当你有几个项目同时进行,而老板又给你加了工作量,确定这些项目哪个该优先完成就很困难。
- When you have several ongoing projects and your boss adds more to your workload, knowing how to prioritize grows difficult. 当妳有几个项目同时进行,而老板又给妳加了工作量,确定这些项目哪个该优先完成就很困难。
- It is a main theme to argue how to deal with the relationship between dissimilation and the all-round development of human being. 正确处理此阶段异化与人的全面发展之间的矛盾是我国市场经济条件下社会生活关于人的发展的主题。
- A boss must know how to delegate (work). 当老板的要知人善任。
- How to discover yourself and the personality styles of your bosses? 如何了解你和上司的个性风格?
- We would like to establish an account with your office,could you give us some information on how to do that? 我们想在贵公司开户,您能告诉我怎么办理吗?
- You'll learn how to separate needed features from fluff, and what to look for in a host with your eye on the future. 我们已经学会了如何从过去不好的事物中发掘优点,以及如何通过我们的双眼寻找将来的优秀的主机。
- Io tried to talk to Argus, but she didn't know how to. 爱娥设法跟阿格斯说话,但是她不知道怎么说。
- Check the information that came with your device for instructions about how to change the name and password. 请查看设备附带的信息,以了解有关如何更改名称和密码的说明。