- How IT might affect me 对我有什么影响
- But we seldom think of how it might affect the other child.I was a little worried that Kristen would feel she was being outshined. 短篇故事与人物传记不同的是,这类文章一般描述的是某一件具体事情的发生发展或结局,有人物、时间、地点和事件。
- There are no limits on the number of data regions you can have, aside from how it may affect performance on the report server. 报表可包含的数据区域数量没有限制,但要注意过多的数据区域可能会影响报表服务器的性能。
- We were deliberating how it might be done . 我们在商讨如何是好。
- We were deliberating how it might be done. 我们在商讨如何是好。
- And I think how it might have been if I've stayed. 我在想如果我留下来会是怎么样。
- I cannot think about how a possible departure might affect me, because it hasn't happened yet, and I don't like wasting time thinking about ifs and buts," he said. 我无法想象他的离开可能对我造成的影响,因为事情至今还没定论,我不喜欢在一些无谓的假设和推断上浪费时间。”他说。
- For spare time study, whether it may affect your current job? 如果业余学习,你的工作是否会受到影响?
- Hey. I did not tell the elf to fail his Will save against ghast paralyzation. He did that on his own, with no consideration for how it would affect me. 嘿。我可没让精灵在对抗妖鬼麻痹的意志豁免中失败。那是他自己干的,根本没考虑这会对我造成什么后果。
- I wouldn't recommend reading in this light; it may affect your eyes. 我不赞成在这样的光线下读书,这会损伤你的眼睛。
- Hey. I didn't tell the elf to fail his Will save against ghast paralyzation. He did that on his own, with no consideration for how it would affect me. 嘿。我可没让精灵在对抗妖鬼麻痹的意志豁免中失败。那是他自己干的,根本没考虑这会对我造成什么后果。
- CPI is a key indicator to watch, as it may affect wage negotiations. 消费者价格指数是一个值得关注的关键指标,因为它可能会影响工资协商。
- B: Hey. I didn't tell the elf to fail his Will save against ghast paralyzation. He did that on his own, with no consideration for how it would affect me. 嘿。我可没让精灵在对抗妖鬼麻痹的意志豁免中失败。那是他自己干的,根本没考虑这会对我造成什么后果。
- If you have more than two unexcused absences, it may affect your final grade. 如果你有两次以上毫无理由的缺席,将会影响你的期末成绩。
- It does not really affect me, I am afraid. 恐怕这其实对我没有关系。
- Your hands circle around the floating bill, dispelling any thought on how it might work. 你的手在浮动票据附近盘旋,打消所有想法关于怎样它也许运作。
- Treatment of foetal hypothyroidism is important because it may affect the physical skills of the baby. 治疗胎儿甲状腺机能减退很重要,因为该病可能影响小儿的身体行动能力。
- The first addresses how DNA replicates, repairs itself, and recombines, as well as how it may be manipulated. 第一个位址DNA 怎样复制,修理自己,并且重新结合,和它可能怎样被操作。
- It is shown that the bracing displacement cannot be neglected,and it may affect the safety of the pits. 大量工程实践证明:软土地区有支撑暴露对基坑变形的影响不容忽视。
- However, it may affect your questing in that you will have to wait to complete some until you are the required level. 然而,只有您达到了所需要的级别,级别的高低才能影响您期待要完成的任务。