- He has no idea of how to run a business. 他不知如何经商。
- How to make a wind direction gauge for Laser XD, Pico, Topper - Dinghy Sailing. 简易风帆风向计(风鸡) 制作介绍.
- It is hard to imagine how to convert this into anything a current SOAP implementation would recognize without a huge amount of effort. 很难想象在没有大量工作的情况下,如何将它转换成当前SOAP实现可以识别的事物。
- I have no a clue how to compose a Waltz. 创作华尔兹曲我是一窍不通。
- He knows how to take a joke and make one. 他经得起别人开自己的玩笑,也会开别人的玩笑。
- He taught Tom how to make a model airplane. 他教汤姆作模型飞机的方法。
- Certainly, theoretical propositions may help us to imagine, or even anticipate, an art ecology provided that we know how to contextualize and localize the discourse. 当然,作为一种期待式的纸上谈兵也未尝不可,但这也要看我们在怎样的格局中来期待。
- It is difficult to imagine any area where the ability to think clearly is not needed.Yet, few of us have ever received explicit instructions in how to improve the way we think. 如果全国性和国际性研究组的结论都没有使你确信批判性思考教育的必要性,那么就来考虑一下这个吧:大多数人都会在十八到二十二岁之间结束他们的正式教育。
- My father taught me how to operate a reaper. 我父亲教我怎样使用收割机。
- Do you know how to repair a radio? 你知道怎么修收音机吗?
- The Wright brothers were the first to build a wind tunnel and empirically measure how to use the wind to lift the plane into the sky. 赖特兄弟是第一个建立风洞的人,并且实际试验如何利用风力使飞机在天空飞行。
- A boss must know how to delegate (work). 当老板的要知人善任。
- I don't know how to use a hand loom. 我不知道怎样使用手工织布机。
- I don't recollect how to sail a boat. 我想不起怎样驾船了。
- Sailors know how to wind up a long rope neatly. 水手们知道该怎样把长绳子卷紧卷好。
- A speaker who knows how to charge up a crowd. 知道如何鼓动群众的演说者
- A doctor should learn how to exercise patience to his clients. 医生应该学会对他的病人运用忍耐力。
- Speakers who know how to excite a crowd. 知道怎样打动人群的演讲者
- The little boy is learning how to sheet a bed. 小男孩正在学怎样铺床单。