- Pui house fly Buddhists white petticoats. 三是严格掌握装饰和装修材料质量。
- Soon, about half the house flies had Salmonella in and on their bodies. 不久,差不多一半苍蝇携带了沙门氏菌。
- The average life expectancy of a website is about 44 days, roughly the same as the common house fly. 消失在以太中文章里说道,一个网站的平均寿命是44天左右,与普通家蝇的寿命相差无几。
- Methods:Different dosages muscalure singularity and muscalure mixed with refined sugar in various test boxes to lure and kill different aged house flies. 方法:将家蝇信息素制作成含不同剂量的单方试样和与白糖配制的复合试样,在实验箱内分别对不同日龄的家蝇进行引诱试验;
- The resistance of four field strains of house fly in Liaoning to Deltamethrin, Alphamethrin, permethrin and Dichlorovos was tested by micro-drop way. 目的:了解辽宁省家蝇对常用杀虫剂的抗药性状况。方法:常规点滴法。结果:在供试的4种杀虫剂中,以溴氰菊酯的抗药性最为突出,4地家蝇对该杀虫剂的抗性系数分别为118。3、59。7、34。
- Serious insecticide resistance (IR) of the house fly (Musca domestica), caused by consecutive DDT abuse, was firstly found in Switzerland in 1946. 1946年在瑞士因连续使用DDT防治家蝇而产生严重的抗药性后,导致防治失效,引起了人们对昆虫抗药性的重视。
- Conciusion: Based on examining the resistant dynamice of house fly, and on using the resistan data which we had masered,... 结论:在监测家蝇抗性动态的基础上,要继续实施综合防制(包括合理调配用药),以延续抗性的发生与发展。
- Conclusion: Make strenuous efforts to examine the resistance of house fly and develop and use insecticides scientifically may prevent and slow down the resistance of house fly. 结论:加强本地区家蝇抗药性监测工作,统一指导,科学合理地开发和使用杀虫剂,可以预防或减缓家蝇抗药性的产生与发展。
- Resulr: In Chifeng City, the resistance for house fly to deltamethrin was trending downwards, but to cypermethrin remained still serious.To DDVP was in middle level. 结果:赤峰市城区家蝇对氯氰菊酯、溴氰菊酯的性均为最高抗,但对氯氰菊酯的抗性呈上升趋势,而对溴氰菊酯抗性发展趋势较缓慢,对敌敌畏的抗性为中抗。
- House flies had evoluted high resistance to DDVP in Yizheng and Yangzhong.In Yizheng, house flies had evoluted highest resistance to deltamethrin, while in Yangzhong the resistance is low. 仪征、扬中地区家蝇对敌敌畏产生高抗,仪征地区家蝇对溴氰菊酯最高抗,扬中地区则为低抗。
- The landing area for the whole face of adequate lighting in the house fly, generous comfortable sitting on the sofa, feeling people were living in the embrace of sunshine, warmth and expression. 整面的落地玻璃窗让充足的光线在屋内穿行,坐在宽大舒适的沙发上,让人顿时感觉身处在阳光的怀抱中,温暖而惬意。
- He took out a fire insurance policy for his house. 他为自己的房子办理了一份火险保险单。
- The old farm has been split up into house lots. 这古老的农场已被划分为一块块的宅地。
- I drove up in front of the house and honked. 我将车开到屋子前面然后按喇叭。
- Buying a house is the best hedge against inflation. 购买房子是防止通货膨胀的最佳保障。
- The dog kept a vigilant guard over the house. 这只狗警惕地守护着这所房屋。
- The rain on the roof of the house flew down the rows of tiles, forming a curtain of water. 房顶上的雨水顺着瓦垄流淌下来,形成了一个水帘。
- Mary was appalled by the dinginess of the house. 玛丽被那肮脏的房子吓坏了。
- Moving house is a vexatious business. 搬家是件麻烦的事情。
- He nabbed the best seat in the house. 他抢到剧院最好座位。