- She feasted on the caress of the hot spring. 她尽情享受着温泉的抚爱。
- Hot Spring Garden 温泉园林
- Please visit the following spring garden. 下面请大家参观春花园。
- A hot spring has been found in the wilderness. 荒野里发现了一处温泉。
- That hot spring was effervescing with bubbles. 温泉正冒着泡泡。
- It's great soak in a hot spring after skiing. 滑雪后泡温泉真棒。
- It's great to soak in a hot spring after skiing. 滑雪后泡温泉真棒。
- It 's great soak in a hot spring after skiing . 滑雪后泡温泉真棒。
- There are hot spring pools to take a dip in. 有温泉泡
- I want to take a dip in the hot spring water here. 王渊源:泡温泉啊。
- There is hot spring water below it. 这下面真的有温泉。
- Celebrated as a hot spring resort. 以温泉胜地著称。
- Hot spring or Bathing Place or skiing Ground b. 自用温泉或海滨浴场或滑雪场;
- It's great soakin a hot spring after skiing. 滑雪后泡温泉真棒。
- It's great soaking in a hot spring after skiing. 滑雪后泡个温泉澡,真爽!
- As long as you love me love makes the world go around, the world full of love is like a spring garden. 爱让我们的星球运转,充满爱的世界就象春天的花园。
- They are hot spring fish introduced from Turkey. 这些从土耳其引进的温泉鱼。
- Have you chosen a hot spring pool for a dip? 你选好泡哪个温泉了吗?
- This is a rare quality carbonate hot spring. 这是一处稀有的优质碳酸石盐泉。
- Spring Garden Restaurant Shark's Fin Set Menu: RMB888 nett per couple including one bottle of Chateau Saint Pierre red wine for every couple. 百花园餐厅鱼翅套餐每两位价格888元,不收服务费。每两位赠送一瓶加州圣皮尔古堡干红葡萄酒。