- Hosokawa Tadaoki 细川忠兴(1563-1645),日本人,官员。
- It is a result of collaboration between Malvern Instruments Process Systems and Hosokawa Micron. 这种新型智能研磨系统能测量颗粒尺寸分布,自动校正研磨参数,以提高配料一致性以及在提供最佳研磨性能的条件下实现配合料之间可比性的要求,从而也实现了工厂生产的智能化控制。
- In 1507, the Kanrei Hosokawa Matsumoto was assassinated and in 1508, Yoshizumi left Kyoto and the Ouchi restored the shogunate to Yoshitane. 1507年,管领细川松本被谋杀;1508年,足利义澄离开京都;于是大内家恢复了足利义稙的将军地位。
- The grumpy Fed.11 encounter in Washington between Bill Clinton and Japanese Prime Minister Morihiro Hosokawa has produced a surplus of bluster. 2月11日,美国总统克林顿与日本首相细川护熙不愉快的会面导致了更多的争执。
- When Yoshimi's son Yoshitane was made shogun in 1490, the Hosokawa Kanrei soon put him to flight in 1493 and declared another Ashikaga, Yoshizumi, to be shogun. 1490年,义亲之子义稙刚继任将军之位,细川管领便于1493年将他流放出去,并宣布足利家的另一位成员,足利义澄为将军。
- Hosokawa assented, and set the time and place as 13 April 1612, on the comparatively remote island of Funajima (in the strait between Honshu and Kyushu. 忠兴同意了,并且把决斗时间安排在1612年4月13日,地点在离细川领地很远的位于本州与九州之间的船岛(Funajima)。
- After the death of Hosokawa Matsumoto, his adopted sons Takakuni and Sumimoto began to fight over the succession to the Kanrei, but Sumimoto himself was a puppet of one of his vassals. 细川松本死后,他的养子细川高国和细川澄元为争夺管领继承权而互相攻伐。而细川澄元本人却又是他手下一名家臣的傀儡。
- for all practical purposes, the Hosokawa family was in charge and the Ashikaga shoguns becamse their puppets. 为了自己的利益,细川家掌握了幕府的实权,而足利将军不过是个傀儡罢了。
- Ohno Y,Hosokawa K,Tamura T,et al.Endometrum estrogen and progesterone receptors and their relationship to sonographic endometrial appearance.Hum Reprod 1995;10(3):708 隋龙,张令浩,杨云纺,等.;白细胞雌激素受体测定及其周期性变化
- Ohno Y,Hosokawa K,Tamura T,et al.Endometrum estrogen and progesterone receptors and their relationship to sonographic endometrial appearance.Hum Reprod 1995;10(3):708 隋龙,张令浩,杨云纺,等.;白细胞雌激素受体测定及其周期性变化
- Tadaoki 忠兴(名,日本)
- Daisuke Hosokawa 细川大辅
- Hosokawa Shinji 细川伸二
- Hosokawa Hideka 细川英香(1928-),日本人,工会负责人。
- Hosokawa Morihiro 细川护熙(1938-),日本人,官员。
- Hosokawa Kumeo 细川久米夫(1927-),日本人,官员。
- Hosokawa Shigekata 细川重贤(1720-85),日本人,官员。
- Hosokawa Iwao 细川岩(1919-),日本人,化学教授。
- Hosokawa Karoku 细川嘉六(1888-1962),日本人,评论家。
- Hosokawa Shūji 细川修治(1908-),日本人,医学教授。