- The vegetation inhabited by hoolock gibbon was homogeneous at Datang region. 在大塘,白眉长臂猿适宜栖息的植被有较高的均匀性。
- Liana was the main media and connection through which hoolock gibbon traveled between arbor forests and shrubs. 藤本植物是白眉长臂猿在乔灌层之间活动的主要交通媒介和连接纽带。
- The hoolock gibbon mainly distributes in the mid-mountain humid evergreen broad-leaved forest. 它们主要分布在中山湿性常绿阔叶林。
- The habitat loss and illegal hunting are two reasons making the decline of population and individuals of hoolock gibbon. 栖息环境的急剧恶化和人类猎捕是造成白眉长臂猿数量下降的两个主要原因。
- The selectivity of geographical space by hoolock gibbon responded requirement for avoiding wind and preferring sunshine. 大塘片区白眉长臂猿对地理空间的选择反应了避风和趋向阳光的需求。
- The results of regression analysis showed that liane density and slope were the main factors affecting the habitat use by hoolock gibbon at Datang in spring. 回归检验结果显示,坡度和藤本密度为影响大塘片区白眉长臂猿生境利用的主要因子。
- Hoolock gibbon depended on and preferred for the tall arbor.Less use of understory by hoolock gibbon was related to homogeneous of vegetation and the lower degree of human disturbance. 白眉长臂猿对高大乔木具有依赖性和选择偏好,对林下竹灌层的选择不高与植被分布均匀和人为干扰强度较小有关。
- Hoolock gibbon (Hoolock hoolock) 白眉长臂猿
- Hoolock gibbonn. 白眉长臂猿
- Ubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon is a testing version. 10目前还是一个测试版本,请谨慎使用。
- Gibbon, however, is of opinion that theirs was a valid marriage. 但是,据吉本看来,这二人的婚姻是经过正当手续的。
- Gibbon adapted to the forest with its long lithe arms. 长臂猿以其柔长的手臂来适应丛林的生活.
- A gibbon is better adapted than a man for life in a low gravitational force. 长臂猿比人更能适应在低重力场中生活。
- In Gibbon's models, blood dripped over a wire mesh to expose it to oxygen. 在吉彭的机器上,血液滴穿一个金属网,使血液暴露在氧气之中。
- My sober mind was no longer intoxicated by the fumes of politics(Edward Gibbon. 我的严肃的头脑再也不会被政治的烟气所陶醉了(爱德华 吉本)。
- Gibbon's book blames Christianity in part for the fall of the Roman Empire. 吉本在书中将罗马帝国的衰亡部分地归因于基督教。
- Huang Mei Wu's black under the cheek than Hoolock Wu Wen obvious, and scattered into the chest and in the vertical profile. 黄眉鹀的黑色下颊纹比白眉鹀明显,并分散而融入胸部纵纹中。
- The winds and waves are always on the side of the ablest navigators. ---Edward Gibbon, The Decline and Fall of Roman Empire. 风浪总是站在最能干的水手一边。其实是说,最能干的水手知道怎么样去最好地利用风浪来为自己服务。对于习惯于怨天尤人者来说,这是最好的反讽。不要埋怨环境,埋怨自己,这才是严肃的人生。
- Workers there told us that in half of a month, the little hylobates hoolock would leave its mother at times for a walk, and visitors then might get a close look at it. 工作人员说,过半个月,小白眉长臂猿会偶尔离开妈妈怀抱,下来走走,那时游客就可以清楚地看到它了。