- That Hong Kong movie star has lots of fans in Mainland China. 那个香港影星在大陆有许多影迷。
- The most powerful casts in the Hong Kong movie history! 超级阵容,香港史上最!
- Even the Hong Kong movie industry has jumped on the bandwagon with Para Para Sakura. 甚至香港电影业也因拍摄《啪啦啪啦樱之花》而对啪啦啪啦舞青眼有加。
- What Hong Kong movies are showing in L.A. 洛杉基正在上映什么香港电影?
- Returns for ten years, Hong Kong movie worker discovered gradually that they are unable to resist the big narration and the big historical enticement. 回归十年,香港电影工作者逐渐发现,他们无法抗拒大叙述和大历史的诱惑。
- His life's passion is to see Wu Song portrayed like he imagines as a rough and tumble fighter, not a swishy Hong Kong movie star. 碰巧真有一个大款愿意投资让他来拍这部戏,但这个投资人的很多媚俗的想法与门德松产生了剧烈的冲突。
- In 1997, valuable screenplays left behind by Singapore writer Chua Boon Hean, who wrote under the pen name Liu Beian, were donated to the Hong Kong movie museum and became one of its important collections. 1997年,已故诗人柳北岸遗留下来的珍贵电影文献,捐赠给香港电影资料馆,成为该馆的一批重要收藏。
- In 1997,valuable screenplays left behind by Singapore writer Chua Boon Hean,who wrote under the pen name Liu Beian,were donated to the Hong Kong movie museum and became one of its important collections. 1997年,已故新加坡诗人蔡文玄(其笔名为柳北岸),遗留下来的珍贵电影文献,捐赠给香港电影资料馆,成为该馆的一批重要收藏。
- Hong Kong movie is a fath. 电影更是一种信仰.
- He will attend another session on transparency and sustainability of the public balance sheet on Friday before attending the Hong Kong Films Reception at the Brisbane International Film Festival which will feature Hong Kong movie The Banquet. 周五,他还将出席有关公共资产负债表的透明度和持续发展能力的会议,然后转往参加布里斯班的国际电影节,届时会放映电影《夜宴》。
- The tremendous success of the locally produced film The Storm Riders is seen by one of its producers as a great boost to the morale of the slumping Hong Kong movie industry, even though the film was planned two years ago, long before the economic crisis. 取得空前胜利的本地制作《风云》,尽管是在香港经济危机前的两年进行制作的,但也被其制作者看作为香港低迷的电影市道的曙光。
- Afterwards he moved civilizing drama to Hong Kong's screen for the first time, founding a good tradition of leading people to seek good and value ethical relations in the Hong Kong movie circle. 后来他又将文明戏首次搬上香港银幕,开创了香港电影“导人向善、重人伦”的优良传统。
- The topic of the Hong Kong Cinema Retrospective this year was Fifty Years of Electric Shadows introducing the development of Hong Kong movies. 今年的香港电影回顾专题"光影缤纷五十年",介绍香港电影在过去50年的发展。
- Before the movie even began shooting, we'd already choreographed all our fight scenes.It's not like most Hong Kong movies, where you create the action on the set, on location. 而我们就回去修改这些部分,再回去得到导演的建议,然后,再来回修改,所以在电影准备开拍前,我们就已经准备好了所有的武打镜头。
- The Hong Kong movie star Chow Yun-fat 香港影星周润发
- However, they appeared together hand in hand at Friday night's party to promote Hong Kong movies at the Cannes Film Festival. 然而,当晚他们携手亮相于酒会为戛纳电影节的香港电影宣传造势。
- The ambassadors of Hong Kong movies, Hong Kong actress Maggie Cheung and director Wong Kar-wai attended a cocktail party on the beach of Cannes on Friday night. 香港电影大使张曼玉与王家卫周五晚出席了在戛纳海滩边举行的鸡尾酒会。
- He has starred in two Hong Kong movies (“China Strike Force” and “The Avenging Fist”) and two Japanese movies (“Moon Child” and “Starlit High Noon”). 他出演过两部香港影片(“雷霆战警”和“铁拳”)和两部日本影片(“月光游侠”和“日正当中的星空”)。
- A telex has just arrived from Hong Kong. 刚收到一份香港打来的电传。
- They are our Hong Kong correspondents. 他们是我们派驻香港的通讯员。