- Hong Kong Police Force hotline 警方投诉热线
- The Ombudsman has jurisdiction over practically all government departments except the Hong Kong Police Force with its own separate body to deal with complaints from the public. 申诉专员的职权范围几乎涵盖所有政府部门,但不包括香港警务处,因为该处本身设有独立机制处理市民的投诉。
- Because of their generally strong physique,they also comprised a large segment of the Royal Hong Kong Police Force before World War II. 他们大都体格健硕,所以在第二次世界大战前,受聘加入皇家香港警察队服务的为数甚多。
- Because of their generally strong physique, they also comprised a large segment of the Royal Hong Kong Police Force before World War II. 他们大都体格健硕,所以在第二次世界大战前,受聘加入皇家香港警察队服务的为数甚多。
- The Hong Kong Police Force HKPF has always been a pioneer in applying advanced wireless technologies for public security. 香港警务处为保障公众安全,一直率先采用先进的无线技术。
- Wu Wan-lung is a member of the Royal Hong Kong Police Force and is temporarily interdicted from duty because he has been suffering from epilepsy. 飞虎队队员胡云龙因病被停职,一次在海边跑步时救了遭挟持的麦翠娴,麦对胡印象深刻,心存感激。
- Lam Fong (Alex Fong), the inspector of Hong Kong police Force, was framed and suspended because of his rescue for his girl friend (Yo Yo Mung), who has been kidnapped by the mob. 香港特警队督察蓝朗(方中信饰)在侦察一宗重大罪案期间,冒死前去营救被黑社会绑架的女友(蒙嘉慧饰),却反遭陷害,被迫停职退出警界。
- As a data user, the Hong Kong Police Force is bound by the provisions of the Ordinance and is fully committed to implement and comply with the data protection principles. 香港警务处是资料使用者,须受条例的条文约朿,并会致力实施和依从各项资料保护原则。
- Liaison Bureau (the former Interpol Bureau) acts as a co-ordination centre in dealing with criminal information and associated inquiries between the Hong Kong Police Force and other police organisations. 联络事务科(即前国际刑警科)担当统筹中心的角色,处理香港警务处和其他警察组织之间的刑事资料及有关调查。
- The Hong Kong Police Force has operational responsibility for crime prevention and detection; the maintenance of law and order; traffic matters and the detection of illegal immigration. 香港警察队负责防止和侦查罪案、维持治安、指挥交通和执行堵截非法入境者的工作。
- The Ombudsman Ordinance also empowers The Ombudsman to investigate complaints of non-compliance with the Code on Access to Information against government departments, including the Hong Kong Police Force and the Independent Commission Against Corruption. 《申诉专员条例》也赋予申诉专员权力,对政府部门(包括香港警务处和廉政公署)违反《公开资料守则》的投诉展开调查。
- The Independent Police Complaints Council (IPCC)'s main function is to monitor and review investigations by the Complaints Against Police Office(CAPO) of public complaints about the Hong Kong Police Force. 投诉警方独立监察委员会(警监会)的主要职责,是监察和覆检香港警务处投诉警察课调查市民投诉警方的工作。
- The Ombudsman Ordinance also empowers The Ombudsman to investigate complaints of non-compliance with the Code on Access to Information against government departments,including the Hong Kong Police Force and the Independent Commission Against Corruption. 《申诉专员条例》也赋予申诉专员权力,对政府部门(包括香港警务处和廉政公署)违反《公开资料守则》的投诉展开调查。
- The department worked closely with the Hong Kong Police Force,various provincial Public Security Bureaux in the mainland of China and overseas drug enforcement agencies in the exchange of intelligence and in the arrest of drug criminals. 香港海关与本港警队、内地各省的公安局和海外的扫毒机关保持紧密合作,以便交换情报和拘捕毒犯。
- Since the fraudulent website is hosted overseas, the Hong Kong Police Force will liaise with the relevant overseas authorities to take appropriate action in relation to this website. 由于该网站为海外网站,因此香港警务处会与有关海外当局联络,以便就此网站采取适当行动。
- Hong Kong Police Force Civilian Officers General Association 香港警务处文职人员总会
- A Survey of Hong Kong Police Force Supervision System 香港警察执法监督机制概述
- Hong Kong police say they are charging 14 people with unlawful assembly. 香港警方说,他们控告了14个人非法集会。
- Recommend interesting TV play , be Hong Kong police bandit movie best! 推荐个好看的电视剧,最好是香港警匪片!
- The pay rates for Hong Kong Auxiliary Police Force are on daily hourly basis and are adjusted annually. 香港辅助警察队薪酬是以每小时或每日计算,并会每年调整。