- 波多黎各共产党于1934 年9 月建立。The Communist Party of Puerto Rico was founded in September 1934.
- 哈伯,弗里兹1868-1934德国化学家,他因化学合成氨而获1918年诺贝尔奖German chemist. He won a1918 Nobel Prize for the synthetic production of ammonia.
- 中国科学院生物物理所感染与免疫中心的Hong Tang也对论文作出了贡献。Hong Tang of the Center for Infection and Immunity, Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, also contributed to the paper.
- 在皮内试验中,Sarnowiec(1934)使用了蓖麻油。In an intradermal test, Sarnowiec(1934)used castor oil.
- 裸燕麦永红492栽培种(Avena nuda cv.yong hong 492)的体细胞胚胎发生Somatic Embryogenesis of Arena nuda cv. Yong Hong 492
- 韩国军方官员Hong表示:“出生率低严重影响了我国的经济、政治甚至国家安全。"The low birth rate can seriously affect our economy, politics and even national security," said Lieutenant Hong Kyung-moon, an army personnel officer.
- 她的《文化模式》(1934)是比较人类学领域的经典之作。Her Patterns of Culture (1934) is a classic study in comparative anthropology
- Hong说在使用AutoStow之前,APL Kaohsiung对船舶和场地的联合操作是一片混乱。Hong said the scene at APL Kaohsiung was one of chaos and confusion regarding vessel and yard integrated operations before Auto Stow was implemented.
- 结果显示:示踪量为0.1934=dpm/cell-DNA时,微核率已显著增加;Experimental results demonstrated that the micronucleus rates of B16 melanoma cells increased significantly when the dose of 125IUdR was 0.1934 dpm/cell-DNA.
- 分析并给出了对于Hong-Tan算法的详细理解,而且比较了欧几里德变换和切变换。A detailed understanding of the Hong-Tan algorithm is analyzed and the difference between the Euclidean transformation and the tangent transformation is compared.
- 后期作品有《友好的同时代人》(1932)和《后半辈子的邻居》(1934)。Among his later works are My Friendly Contemporaries (1932) and Afternoon Neighbors (1934).
- Maxine Hong Kingston(汤亭亭)是当今美国最有影响,同时也是最有争议的亚裔作家之一。Maxine Hong Kingston is one of the most influential and controversial contemporary Asian American authors.
- 哈伯,弗里兹1868-1934德国化学家,他因化学合成氨而获1918年诺贝尔奖German chemist. He won a1918 Nobel Prize for the synthetic production of ammonia.
- dinger方程二阶近似解析解,第三章中,在3.1节,简述了Hong与Liu采用多辛方法来求解非线性Schr(?)In Section 3.1 we introduce the main numerical method of nonlinear Schrodinger equation.
- 韦尔奇,威廉 亨利1850-1934美国病理学家和细菌学家。他发现了引起坏疽的细菌American lawyer who represented the U.S. Army during the1954 Senate subcommittee hearings concerning charges of subversion brought by Senator Joseph McCarthy.
- 示踪量分别为0.1934和0.3079dpm/cell-DNA时,对皮下局部生长已有抑制作用。The subcutaneous growth of tumor cells have been inhibited obviously when the dose was 0.1934 or 0.3079 dpm/cell-DNA.
- 分离株 DK/SZH/1/02(H3N6)另成一支,其与 A/Aquartic Bird/Hong Kong/399/99 (H3N8) 同源率最高,达 95.4%。DK/SZH/1/02(H3N6) isolate together with A/Aquartic Bird/Hong Kong/399/99 (H3N8) belonged to one subgroup.
- Knight(1921)、Commons(1934)和Coase(1937) 对于交易成本的理论研究独树一帜。Knight(1921), Commons(1934), and Coase(1937) had developed a school of their own, Transaction Cost Economics(TCE).
- 2001年香港大学从香港入港口及鸟园市场的宠物鸟分离得到20株病毒,命名为A/Songbird/Hong Kong,SBxx/2001。The studies characterize H3N8 influenza viruses from songbirds at the point of entry to Hong Kong, from the "Bird Garden" markets in Kowloon Hong Kong and from different region of the world.
- 韦尔奇,威廉·亨利1850-1934美国病理学家和细菌学家。他发现了引起坏疽的细菌American lawyer who represented the U.S. Army during the1954 Senate subcommittee hearings concerning charges of subversion brought by Senator Joseph McCarthy.