- Holy Trinity, Brompton is an Anglican Church. 布普顿圣三一堂是圣公会教会。
- Students of Holy Trinity College presented their model and design. 宝血会上智英文书院的同学介绍她们的设计模型。
- I don't understand a modern day account of the Holy Trinity. 我对现代的基督教三位一体的解释不理解。
- Kent Police said they did not arrest the Holy Trinity church vicar because it was an environmental health issue. 肯特郡警方表示,他们并未逮捕这位三一教会牧师,因为这并非环境卫生议题。
- Shatespeare died in Stratford on 23 April 1616, and was buried in Holy Trinity Church two days later. 莎士比亚于1616年4月23日去世,两天后被埋在三一教堂。
- Thousands gather for the consecration of The Church of the Holy Trinity in Fatima, Portugal, one of the largest churches in the world. 数千民众齐聚于葡萄牙法帝玛的三位一体教堂,世界最大的教堂之一,参加神圣的奉献仪式。
- Only one God, but He is three persons. A Triune God, a Holy Trinity! And this the apostles taught to future believers. 只有一位神,神只有一位,但它有三个位格,就是三位一体的真神。
- Final product by the participants from Newman College , Holy Trinity College , Caritas Community Centre (Ngau Tau Kok). 新民书院、宝血会上智英文书院、明爱牛头角社区中心组员合作成果。
- Kent Police said they did not arrest the Holy Trinity church vicar because it was an environment health issue. 肯特郡警方表示,他们并未逮捕这位三一教会牧师,因为这是环境卫生问题。
- It is well we should remember that the doctrine of the Holy Trinity has a deep devotional aspect. 在你灵修亲近上帝的时候,可曾想过我们所信靠的主,是怎样一位三位一体的真上帝?
- Please let the Holy Trinity be mobile in this hour, and allow the miracle of glorious resurrection to unfold. 请您让三位一体在这一小时动员起来,让荣耀的复活的奇迹彰显出来。
- They were the Very Rev. Oscar Huber, the pastor of Holy Trinity Church in Dallas, and the Rev. James Thompson. 一位是达拉斯圣三一教会的牧师奥斯卡 - 休伯教长。 另一位是詹姆斯 - 汤普森神父。
- The course is formally attributed to Nicky Gumbel, Curate of Holy Trinity, Brompton. 这课程是由甘力克,布普顿圣三一堂的副牧,所制作出来。
- He added in an email, "Palin = Guns, Babies, Jesus," the holy trinity of Republican rightist politics. 在一封电子邮件中,林堡进一步解释道:佩林=枪,婴儿,耶稣--共和党极右政治势力的神圣三位一体。
- At a football club, there's a holy trinity - the players, the manager and the supporters. 在一个足球俱乐部里,球员,主教练和球迷是三位一体的。
- Going along with the midfield axis to the north, you can find the Mahavira Palace and the Holy Trinity Palace. 沿着中轴线往北,是大雄宝殿和三圣殿。
- What he/ she told you was absolutely wrong!!! Holy Trinity is not one person who has different offices and/ or careers, but one being in three persons. 圣父、子、灵是三位一位的独一的神,只不过在各个地方的称呼不一样,如同一个人在家是父亲,在外是工程工,在母亲面前是孩子一样,虽然名称不一样,但是同一个人,这是我们讲道的弟兄姊妹告诉我们的。
- Wisdom the Father, Wisdom the Son, Wisdom the Holy Ghost;one God and not three Gods;one Lord the Holy Trinity discovered in three hypostases. 三位一体的神实在太奥秘了,如果这样的疑问有错谬之处求神看在孩子的有限和愚昧的份上,赦免我。
- The Jesus Prayer, by uniting us to Christ, helps us to share in the mutual indwelling or perichoresis of the three Persons of the Holy Trinity. 耶稣祷文使我们与基督共融,因此它使我们分享上帝圣三的内在共融生活。
- Many religious groups and many founders of religions in the spirit world, even the Holy Trinity, have been mobilized for this effort. 许多宗教团体、在灵界的宗教创辨人、甚至圣灵,都必须被动员起来一起努力。