- Hold your prate. 别废话。
- The trick is to hold your breath while you aim. 窍门就在于瞄准时须屏住呼吸。
- Please hold your voice in check. 请压低嗓门。
- How long can you hold your breath for? 你能屏住呼吸多久?
- For god's sake hold your tongue and let me love. 看在上帝的面上,闭上嘴让我爱你吧。
- Hold your tongue. We won't listen to your nonsense. 住嘴!我们不听你的胡说八道。
- Vivian: Maybe I wanted to hold your hand. 维薇安:我可能是想牵你的手了吧。
- Hold your eyes open, don't let anyone go in or out. 睁大眼睛盯在这儿,别让任何人出入。
- You'd better hold your drink well. 你还是少喝点儿吧。
- Why are you still holding your tongue? 你为什么还不开口?
- Have another one. You can hold your liquor. 您是海量,再来一杯。
- Better let me hold your money, Mac. 麦克,最好还是让我替你保管钱。
- Don't hold your head so high, my friend. 不要这样傲慢,我的朋友。
- Remember to hold your tongue in the discussion. 讨论的时候少说一点。
- Fran: You were smart to hold your tongue. 法兰:算你聪明没有长舌。
- You grin cruelly and hold your crush for awhile. 你抓住了恋人的肩膀,残忍地笑了笑。
- Pull yourself together. Hold your head up. 振作起来,抬起头来。
- Hold your knife and fork in this manner. 以这样的方式拿刀叉。
- Hold your position give way to the Trident. 保持原位给三叉戟让路。
- You're out of debt. Now you can hold your head up. 你不欠债了,可以扬眉吐气了。