- Hokkaido Shimbunn. 北海道新闻(日)
- HV: Japan, Hokkaido, and snowboard all I want! 日本北海道,和我的滑雪板。
- Asahi Shimbun: I have two questions. 第一,以史为鉴,面向未来。
- They are Hokkaido,Honshu,Shikoku and Kyushu. 是北海道,本州,四国,九州。
- Hokkaido Electric Power Co., Inc. 北海道电力。
- Japan: Hokkaido Independence! Okinawa Independence! 日本:北海道独立!冲縄独立!
- Photo in Mount Youtei, Hokkaido, Japan. 日本北海道羊蹄山拍到的云海照片。
- Here is Hakodate City, Hokkaido. 北海道函馆市。
- Lucky Pierrot, which operates fast-food restaurants mainly on the northernmost island of Hokkaido, said whale meat had emerged as one of the two most popular fillings in a customer survey, according to the Mainichi Shimbun newspaper. 据英国《卫报》6月23日报道,在日本北海道附近经营着数家快餐连锁店的鲸肉夹饼店老板卢茨基?皮埃罗说,通过对顾客的问卷调查得知,鲸鱼肉是最受欢迎的肉夹饼馅之一。
- Except for Hokkaido, we do not get much snowfall at all. 除了北海道,我们根本没有多降雪。
- Except for Hokkaido, we don't get much snowfall at all. 除了北海道,我们根本没有多降雪。
- Bulletin of the Hokkaido National Fisheries Research Institute. 北海道区水产研究所研究报告。
- Set on the island of Hokkaido, 170 km from Sapporo in Japan. 位于北海道佐幌,距札幌约170公里。
- The trip to Hokkaido of this year, making me memorable. 今年的北海道之行,依旧令人难忘!
- A city of southwest Hokkaido, Japan, on Tsugaru Strait. 函馆日本北海道西南部一城市,位于津轻海峡边。
- Every year many tourists from HK visit Hokkaido in Japan. 每年有许多香港观光客造访日本北海道。
- After Qin Fen smiled to accompany gaining in Hokkaido, Japan. 之后,秦奋陪笑笑到日本北海道散心。
- Hokkaido is quite safe, too, crime is almost unheard of. 犯罪率闻所未闻、几乎零。
- In summertime, Hokkaido is a favored refuge from the heat. 在夏季,北海道是避署的好地方。
- Hokkaido, in Japan's far north, is faring not much better. 在日本的最北端的北海道,结果好不到哪儿去。