- Hoang Anh 黄英(1913-),越南人,副总理、共产党中央书记处书记。
- Anh nho den moi nu. cu*o*`i cua em. 我设想著有你笑声的每个角落;
- Dia Hoang Phu Co is located in Hanoi, Vietnam. 迪亚晃富公司设在越南首都河内。
- Duong nhien la anh gio da khac truoc roi. 当然了,我现在不和以前一样了。
- Neu em khoc,ma(.t anh se u*o*'t dau tien. 若你流泪,先湿的总是我的脸;
- I think he was scared of it," Mai Anh said. "迈安说.
- Anh nho den cuoc song co em cham soc. 我设想著有你照顾的温馨生活;
- Vi con tim anh yeu em nen se khong can phai hua dau em..... 妳老闆会是妳的最好选择,因为他可以给妳过好日子;
- Em con nho la anh da sep chin muoi chin ngoi sao kg? 还记得我用心摺的九百九十九颗星星吗?
- Anh oi! Anh ban lam ha? Anh co nho KL? KL rat ranh roi, now. 亲爱的.;你工作忙吗
- All of experience has been a worthwhile effort for both ANH and me. 我喝得起多少这样的“药”?
- Sao anh lai xoa anh cua anh di va cho anh ban gai anh len vay? 越南语翻译如下:为什么你把你自己的照片删除了,而换成了你女朋友的照片?
- Hoang Quynh Lan and Do Huu Tuan both came from Hanoi University of Sciences. 黄琼兰和杜有俊来自河内科学大学。
- Spring's coming anh the world is cheering the fresh short on the year. 春天到了,全世界都在庆祝新一年的开始。
- Nhung qua dai dong van tu va dom gia lam cam,nhac ten 2 lan anh HVD. 郑校友请我们“共享”这篇越文信,个中看到郑校友的越文水平的确比中文水平高出一截,委婉动人。
- Environmentalist at Hanoi University of Sciences Professor Hoang Xuan Co says using LPG is a viable fuel option. 汉诺大学的环境专家表示,使用液化石油气是可行的燃料选择。
- Lipedematous alopecia: An unusual sequela of discoid lupus, or other co-conspirators at work? High W.A. Hoang M.P. 脂肿性秃发:盘状狼疮的一种少见后遗症或其他疾病引起?
- Hoang Vinh Giang, vice chairman and general secretary of the Vietnam Olympic Committee and Chinese ambassador to Vietnam Hu Qianwen walked up to the plane to welcome the flame. 越南奥委会副主席黄永江同中国住越南大使胡乾文到机场迎接圣火。
- The ground will not have time to polarize completely anh the decay will have a smaller amplitude. 地层还来不及充分极化,衰减曲线的幅度将比较
- Vuong Hoang Minh, 34, was put on a flight back to the United States on Thursday, the Vietnam News Agency said. vuong It said Minh told authorities he planned to snatch the torch. 火炬下一站前往越南,国家媒体周五时报道,越南驱逐了一名计划破坏火炬传递的越南裔美国公民。