- The history of human development is, in a sense, one in which human beings find and recognize themselves. 摘要人类发展史在某种意义上也是人类寻找自身、认识自身的发展史。
- Music is the oldest subject in he human cultures, as well as one of the greatest achievements in the whole history of human beings and human society. 音乐是人类文化中最为古老的一门学科,也是在整个人类历史时期和社会中,人类所取得的最伟大的成就之一。
- The Second World War is the largest and the most brutal war in the history of human beings. It almost deconstruct human beings. 4第二次世界大战是人类历史上规模最大,最残酷的战争,它几乎毁灭了人类。
- The keramics containing wine residue discovered in Jiahu memorial site has brought wine-making history of human beings forward to 9,000 years before. 摘要贾湖遗址发掘出含有酒残留物的陶片,将人类酿酒历史文化史提前到了距今9000年前。
- The cardinal need is to change the prevailing view of human beings, which sees them as inherently good creatures unaccountably burdened with a history of violence and oppression. 这是隐藏在显而易见的矛盾之后的真相,是我相信人类文明已经到了最后,和我想创造出更好的生存方式之间的矛盾。
- Village is the most original inhabitancy of human beings and the place earlist to show civilization form, the developing history of human beings is also the villages". 村庄是人类最原始的聚居地,也是人类最早显示出文明形态的地方,人类发展的历史也是村庄发展的历史。
- Mural Painting is the oldest art in the history of human being' s painting. 壁画是人类绘画史上最古老的艺术。
- We shall take full advantage of our rich source of human beings. 我们应充分利用丰富的人力资源。
- In the long history of human beings, the factors might either be a kind of aesthetic consciousness, or a religious belief, or a certain pursuit in life, or a compulsory choice. 在人类历史的发展长河中,这或是一种审美意念,或是一种宗教信仰,或是一种追求生活的印痕,或是一种无奈的选择。
- The Second World War is the largest and the most ruthless in the history of human being,it almost wracks and ruins people. 第二次世界大战是人类历史上规模最大,最残酷的战争,它几乎毁灭了人类。
- To make art is an indomitable urge of human beings. 艺术创造是人类锲而不舍的追求。
- The reverence on females is originated in the history of normadic tribes traced from matriarchy times when women are thought to create the societ of human being. 由母系氏族社会发展而来的游牧民族部落,仍然对女性充满崇敬心理,是女性创造了人类社会。
- Should another world war break out, what would become of human beings? 万一另一次世界大战爆发,人类将会发生什么事?
- No problem of human destiny is beyond human beings. 人类命运的问题没有一个是人所不能解决的。
- I want to extol the virtues of human beings. 我要颂扬人类的美德。
- Moreover the history of human being as an ontological meanings that has been veiled by the fast developed of modern science and technology and opulence of matter fortune, also has been forget by the modernist. 而作为本体论意义上的人类历史常常被现代科技的迅猛发展和物质财富的极大丰裕所遮蔽,也被现代人所遗忘。
- Selfishness is one of human beings instincts. 自私是人类的本性之一。
- That is the tragedy of human beings. 这是人类的悲哀。
- Anthropology is the study of human beings. 人类学是关于人类的学科。
- The Incredible Peanut - History of human use of Arachis hypogaea. 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。