- His hair was neatly cut 他的头发剪的很整洁
- His hair was cut,and looks more mettled. 他剪了头发,看起来比原来精神些。
- Her hair was neatly combed back. 她的头发整齐地梳到后面。
- She remembered nothing (about him) except that his hair was black. 她(对他)什麽都不记得,只记得他的头发是黑的。
- His yard was neatly cut, countless flowers remained in bloom, and the sidewalk was edged out against the yard. 他的院子及人行道的边沿都修剪整整结结,一点杂草都没有,只有珍奇斗艳绽放的花儿。
- His hair was pale and lightless. 他的头发灰暗没有光泽。
- His hair was cropped when he entered the army . 他参军时把头发剪短了。
- His hair was scarcely touched with grey. 他的头上几乎没有什么灰白头发。
- His hair was streaked with gray. 他的头发中夹有白发。
- His hair was unkempt and frazzled, his calloused hands cut and stained. 他的头发邋遢而凌乱,他结满茧子的双手伤痕累累脏污不堪。
- His hair was slicked back/down with gel. 他的头发用了发胶,朝后/朝下梳得平平整整的。
- His hair was bleached by the sun. 他的头发被太阳晒得发白。
- His hair was dark, with flecks of grey. 他的黑发间有缕缕银丝。
- His hair was flecked with paint. 他的头发上粘有点点油漆。
- His hair was greying at the sides. 他的两鬓已渐渐斑白。
- His hair was the colour of sand. 他的头发呈沙褐色。
- His hair was cropped when he entered the army. 他参军时把头发剪短了。
- His hair was gray and he was short and fat. 他头发灰白,长得又矮又胖。
- His hair was a bright shade of ginger. 他的头发带一点姜黄色.
- His hair was sticking up at all angles. 他的头发都竖了起来,乱蓬蓬的。