- His wife has had a civilizing influence on him. 他妻子对改进他言谈举止有潜移默化的影响。
- His wife had much to do with his bankruptcy. 他的破产和他的妻子很有关系。
- I was surprised to hear that his wife had left him. 听说他的妻子离开了他,我感到很惊奇。
- He finds his wife has deserted him and with a dirty lowlife too. 他发现他妻子已抛弃他而去和一个龌龊的下流胚在一起。
- His wife had behaved kindly to him in return for his unkindness. 他的妻子委曲求全来报答他的无情无义。
- He and his wife had to move from one country to another. 他和他的妻子不得不从一个国家移居到另一个国家。
- When he heard his wife had left him,he simply folded up. 当他听说他妻子已离他而去时,他一下子就崩溃了。
- There came a breeze that his wife had eloped with her lover. 有谣言说他妻子与她情人私奔了。
- The body had apparently once lain in the attitude of an embrace, but now the long sleep that outlasts love, that conquers even the grimace of love, had cuckolded him. 尸体显然曾保持着拥抱的姿势,但现在,永远的睡眠却比爱情更长久,战胜了由爱情产生的苦痛,并让他蒙受着戴绿帽子的恶名。
- Poor chap, his wife has just died. 不幸的小伙子啊,他刚刚死了妻子。
- To anger him, his wife had taken pains to foster his suspicion. 他的妻子为了气他,就故意想尽办法增加他的疑虑。
- He returned from the front, only to find his wife had left him. 他从前线回来,不料却发现妻子已离开了他。
- Steve came home and found that his wife had left him high and dry. 史蒂夫回到家里,发现妻子出走了,抛下他孤苦的一个人。
- His wife has a fit of nerves again this morning. 今天早晨他的妻子又发了一通神经。
- When the heard his wife had left him, he simply folded up. 当他听说他妻子已离他而去时,他一下子就崩溃了。
- His wife has winked at his infidelity for years. 他多年来对妻子不忠,妻子也只装作不知情。
- Mr Johnson was so later that his dinner got cold; his wife had to warm it up. 约翰逊先生回家太晚,饭都冷了; 他太太不得不把饭菜重新热一下。
- He said his wife have the spare key, so he'd have to go home by taxi. 他说他的妻子带着备用钥匙,所以他要坐出租汽车回家。
- His wife has him under her thumb. 他的妻子控制他。
- He was on cloud nine after his wife had the baby. 他因为妻子生了小宝宝而心里乐开了花。