- His superiors disfavoured him. 他的上司们不喜欢他。
- People resent him for his superior air. 人们对他的傲气感到讨厌。
- He always does what his superiors tell him. 他惟上级之命是从。
- His superior put in a word for him justly and he got the job. 他的上级为他说了句公正的话,他得到了那份工作。
- I despise him for sucking up to his superiors. 我看不惯他那种拍上司马屁的劲儿。
- His superiors moved him to another department. 他的上司把他调到另一个部门。
- He offended his superior and then was fired. 他得罪了上司,于是被解雇了。
- His effort is ignored by his superior. 他的努力被上司忽视了。
- He didn't dare to beard his superior. 他不敢公然与上级对抗。
- He received a stern rebuke from his superior. 他受到上司的严厉斥责。
- He is a capable worker, and his superiors think highly of him. 他工作能力强,上级很器重他。
- Soon he was caressed by his superiors. 他很快就受到了上级的赏识。
- He thinks scorn of wastefulness in his superiors. 他蔑视他的上级挥霍浪费。
- He always defied his superiors . 他总是违抗上级。
- He was valued by both his peer and his superiors. 他的同级和上级都很器重他。
- He is deferential to his superiors. 他对他的长官是恭敬的。
- His superior put in a word for him justlyand he got the job. 他的上级为他说了句公正的话,他得到了那份工作。
- He always plays up to his superiors. 他总是讨好上级。
- He is very humble to his superiors. 他对上级非常谦恭。
- He was under constant pressure from his superiors. 他的上司不断地给他压力。