- His name is Selden. 他叫塞尔登。
- Some one is looking for you, his name is Tom. 有人找你,他的名字是汤姆。
- His name is on our mailing list. 他的名字在我们的通讯录中。
- His name is the sixteenth on the list. 他的名字在名单上排第十六名。
- His name is no longer on our books. 他的名字从我们的名册上勾销了。
- His name is Richard but we call him Dick. 他名叫里查,可是我们都叫他迪克。
- Everybody knows him. His name is Percy Buttons. 大家都认识他。他的名字叫PercyButtons。
- His name is inseparable with the history of China. 他的名字和中国历史是分不开的。
- Robinson has a servant even better than friday: his name is Crusoe. 鲁滨逊有一个比礼拜五更好的仆人:他的名字叫克鲁索。
- I cannot tell what the dickens his name is. 我说不出他究竟叫什么名字。
- His name is Carlos. we shall get married next week. 他叫卡洛斯。下周我们将结婚。
- His name is expunged from the list. 他的名字从名单中被除掉了。
- His name is Tom and he likes teddy bears. 他的名字叫汤姆,他喜欢玩具熊。
- His name is Richard but we all call him Dich. 他的名字叫理查德,但是我们都称他狄克。
- When his name is Arnold Schwarzenegger , of course. 当然是在他名叫阿诺德·施瓦辛格之时。
- It doesn't come back to me now what his name is. 现在我想不起他叫什么名字了。
- Some one is looking for you,his name is Tom. 有人找你,他的名字是汤姆。
- When his name is Arnold Schwarzenegger ,of course. 当然是在他名叫阿诺德·施瓦辛格之时。
- His name is in connection with Chinese boxing. 他的名字与中国武术联系在一起。
- This is my father, and his name is Horace. 这是我的父亲,他的名字叫贺瑞斯。