- His is a black car. 他的小汽车是一辆黑色汽车。
- That car of his is a real museum piece. 他的这辆车真是件老古董。
- That new car of his is a real honey! 他的那辆新汽车真是棒极了!
- He is a black sheep of his family. 他是他家的败家子。
- Mr Miller is a black swan, an honest lawyer! 米勒先生是一位诚实的律师,非常难得。
- His is a journalist by profession. 他的职业是新闻从业人员。
- His is a cut-and-thrust style without any flourish. 他的文章风格犀利明快,没有任何华丽的词藻。
- This manoeuvre of his is a diabolical conspiracy. 他这一手是个居心叵测的大阴谋。
- His is a shirt with long sleeves. 他的衬衣是一件长袖的衬衣。
- There is a black sheep in every flock. 败类处处有; 害群之马处处有。
- There is a black cow in the meadow. 草地上有头黑母牛。
- That child of his is a great trial. 他那个孩子真叫人受不了。
- His is a fake money, the stumer. 这张是假钱,伪钞
- It is a small flock that has not a black sheep. 家家难免有败类。
- His is a lion keeper in the zoo. 他是公园的狮子管理员。
- Not every novel of his is a best-seller. 他的小说并不是每一本都畅销。
- Mr. Miller is a black swan,an honest lawyer. 米勒先生是一位诚实的律师,非常难得。
- This maneuver of his is a diabolical conspiracy. 他这一手是一个居心叵测的大阴谋。
- This is a black desk, is not it? 这是一张黑桌子,不是吗?
- His is a stirring tale of love and betrayal. 他的事迹是一个关于爱和背叛的触动情感的故事。