- His heart missed a beat when he saw her. 他在见到她的一刹那心跳顿了一下。
- This pretty girl caused his heart to miss a beat. 这个美丽的姑娘令他产生了一种怦然心动的感觉。
- His heart missed a beat. 他的心跳停了一拍。
- When Mary was told that she had won,her heart missed a beat. 当玛丽得知她获胜时,她惊喜不已。
- Everytime I look at you ,my heart misses a beat. 每次看着你;我的心都会漏跳一拍.
- Every time I think of you my heart misses a beat. 每当我想起你我的心想念一个节拍。
- Xiangzi's heart missed a beat and suddenly his mind started working again, just as when a familiar landmark reorientates a man who has lost his way. 祥子的心一动,忽然的他会思想了,好像迷了路的人忽然找到一个熟识的标记,把一切都极快的想了起来。
- His heart, which had missed a beat, suddenly started pounding. The battle was lost and the tables were turned. 他觉得心跳停了一下,接着又突突地乱跳。战斗失利,局势大转。
- Cang Li Man's heart missed a beat when he saw a man. 仓里满看见一个人,心里突然咯噔一下。
- When Mary was told that she had won, her heart missed a beat. 当玛丽得知她获胜时,她惊喜不已。
- His heart,which had missed a beat,suddenly started pounding. The battle was lost and the tables were turned. 他觉得心跳停了一下,接着又突突地乱跳。战斗失利,局势大转。
- Chu Kuei-ying's heart missed a beat, and a slight change came over her face. 朱桂英把不住心头一跳,脸色就有点变了。
- His heart missed a beat. She was still the most beautiful woman in the world. Her lovely copper hair shone bright. 他的心跳停了一拍。她依然是天下最美的女人。她秀美的、红棕色头发闪闪发亮。
- yet hardly were the words out of his mouth when his heart missed a beat: he realized that Chao Po-tao was trying to trap him in the same way as he himself had trapped Chu Yin-chiu just a short while before! 可是他这话刚刚出口,他的心立刻抖起来了。他知道自己从前套在朱吟秋头上的圈子,现在被赵伯韬拿去放大了来套那益中公司了;
- For a moment,she thought she saw a face looking at her through the window and her heart missed a beat. 她一时觉得窗后有一张脸在看着她,不由心跳停了一下。
- For a moment she thought she saw a face looking at her through the window and her heart missed a beat. 她一时觉得窗后有一张脸在看着她,不由心跳停了一下。
- Her heart missed a beat. 妈妈心里一咯噔。
- When Jack saw the tiger standing in front of him,his heart skipped a beat. 杰克看到老虎站在他面前时,吓得心都快要跳出来了。
- When Jack saw the tiger standing in front of him, his heart skipped a beat. 杰克看到老虎站在他面前时,吓得心都快要跳出来了。
- He squeezed without missing a beat in his conversation. 他紧握,谈话一点也没中断。