- His friend lisps. 他朋友说话口齿不清。
- His friend corroborated his guilt. 他的朋友证实了他的犯罪。
- His friend was injured in a car crash. 他的朋友在一次汽车事故中受了伤。
- He studies more diligently than his friend. 他比他的朋友更勤奋地学习。
- He whistled to his friend to keep hidden. 他吹口哨通知朋友继续隐蔽。
- He anchored his hope in his friend's help. 他寄希望于朋友的帮助。
- He confided his troubles to his friend. 他向朋友倾诉烦恼事。
- He said (that) his friend's name was Sam. 他说他朋友的名字叫山姆。
- His friend was injured in an airplane crash. 他的朋友在一次飞机事故中受了伤。
- He is under the sway of his friend. 他受他朋友控制。
- He saw his friend off at the bus station. 他在车站给朋友送行。
- He swore treason against his friend. 他宣誓对他的朋友犯有叛国罪作证。
- He lied to the court to shield his friend. 他对法庭说谎以包庇自己的朋友。
- He went as far as Yokohama to meet his friend from England. 他远至横滨去迎接由英国来的朋友。
- His friend is a man of noble mind. 他的朋友是个思想高尚的人。
- He is treacherous to his friends. 他对他的朋友不忠。
- Amy asks whether his friend will be at home. 爱米问他的朋友是否会在家。
- He shunned meeting any of his friends. 他避免与他的任何朋友碰面。
- Peter wrote to condole with his friend on the death of his mother. 彼得写信给他的朋友,对其母亲的去世表示哀悼。
- He had the guts to stand by his friend when he was in trouble. 当他处在困境的时候,他仍有勇气支持他的朋友。