- His eyelid is swollen. 他眼皮肿了。
- The eversion of his eyelids is serious. 他眼睑的外翻很严重。
- His eyelid is swollen 他眼皮肿了.
- His eyes an eyelid is so beautiful that shocked me! 他的眼睛跟双眼皮竟然漂亮到让我惊讶呀!
- He is swollen with his own importance. 他自以为了不起而得意忘形。
- His head is swollen where he bumped it. 他头碰的地方起了一个包。
- Shawn was stung by the bee and his face is swollen. 被蜂蜇了,脸肿了。
- He was stung by the bee and his face is swollen. 被蜜蜂蛰肿了。
- The skin of the eyelid is the thinnest in your body. 眼皮是全身皮肤中最薄的地方。
- My foot is swollen from kicking the wall. 我的脚因为踢墙而肿了起来。
- Sometimes it is swollen and is very painful. 有时候会肿起来而且很痛。
- Her belly is swollen with laughter. 有个东西在使我发痒。
- In pathology, state body harmony is swollen. 在病理,表示身体雍肿。
- The abdomen distends.; The stomach is swollen. 腹胀。
- How effective quick cure tooth is swollen? 怎么有效快捷的治疗牙肿?
- My eye allergy is swollen, what should eat? ? ? 我的眼睛过敏肿了,要吃什么啊???
- Will you open your mouth?Your throat is swollen. 请把你的口张开好吗?你的喉咙肿了.
- No, he's just hanging on by his eyelids. 不,他刚好处于千钧一发之时。
- Even the base of the ear lobe is swollen and I feel a dull pain. 连耳根都肿了,而且我觉得闷痛。
- Crus aches stiff, seeming to return is swollen, how to solve? 小腿僵硬疼痛,好像还是肿的,怎么解决?