- Hirano Motokuni 平野素邦(1920-),日本人,《名古屋时报》社社长。
- Nice legs...From Aya Hirano's latest CD single. 周星驰-少林足球被剪掉的一段!保证超爆笑!
- Hirano and his co-workers said they felt betrayed. “这是日本传统。
- Messing, Shin-ichi Hirano, and Hans Hausner. 题名其余部分: edited by Gary L.
- Nakayama.Demonstrated by Hiroshi Shoji [and] Motokuni Sugiura. 作者声明: Text and instructions by M.
- Snow, make snow Hirano, the风扬, such as the snow off, put on the earth brush. 大雪,平野尽银装,大风扬,积雪如帐,披拂大地。
- Minami Hirano lived in the city of Hiroshima, 13 years after the atomic bomb. 平野皆实住在日本广岛市,距离原子弹爆炸已经过了13年。
- Some results published by Hirano provide clear evidence of sliding at high speeds. Hirano所发表的某些结果对高速下的滑动给予了明确的验证。
- Zhang Yining overcame Sayaka Hirano and teamed with Wang Nan to beat Ai Fukuhara and Haruna Fukuoka. 张贻宁力克平野早矢香并与王楠组成双打击败了福原爱和福岗春菜。
- Hirano prepared but not only was the press come up with a large number of reports on the matter as evidence. 但平野早有准备,不但当场拿出新闻界对此事的大量报道作为证据。
- Aadoted epoch-making telescopic nozzle technique of Hirano of Japan,which allows full,wasteless utilization of the hot air jet out of the floating nozzle to the width of process. 采用了日本平野公司的具有划时代意义的伸缩喷嘴技术,从而保证了织物加工过程中喷嘴喷出的热空气得到最大限度的利用而无浪费。
- Hirano believe that this is not only the issue of Koizumi's personal character, but also the entire reputation of the Government of Japan. 平野认为,这不单是小泉个人人格的问题,也关系到整个日本政府的名誉。
- On 15 April,BIU president Mr. Hiroshi Hirano make an observer school for 2008 WBMC in Shanghai,China rider made a demo for teaching. 4月15日,BIU主席平野博在上海为2008金茂国际障碍单车大师赛的30名观察员培训进行了讲解和模拟现场教学,中国车手在模拟赛道上进行了演示。
- As the opposition, Mr Hirano raised this question is obviously not to protect the reputation of Koizumi, it is obvious to hunt for bugs. 作为反对党议员,平野提出这个质询显然不是要维护小泉的名誉,那明摆着是找碴来的。
- "Star Chui Hirano wide on Chung Tai Jiang Liu" to see if autumn, and at times feel that it is a realm in the pay their last respects. “星垂平野阔,月涌大江流”,看秋,有时真感到是在瞻仰一种境界。
- Hirano said.After 30 minutes of discussion in front of the factory’s gate, the executives finally took the letter, he said.He said he never got a response. 在工厂大门口经过30分钟的讨论,管理人员最终接收了信件,但是再无下文。
- Inoue S., Hirano M., Kijima K. and Takashina J., “A Pratical Calculation Method of Ship Maneuvering Motion”, International Shipbuilding Progress, 1981. 欧阳立仁,“船舶操纵性能预估及量测方法之研究”,国立成功大学造船暨船舶机械工程研究所硕士论文,民国八十七年六月。
- The great poet even if alone in the river above also help send the "Star hang Hirano wide on Chung Tai Jiang Liu," a spectacular picture emerges in the world eyes. 这位伟大的诗圣纵然只身寄于大江之上也能让“星垂平野阔,月涌大江流”的壮观景象浮现在世人的眼前。
- My name is Kazuko Hirano. 我叫平野和子。
- Hirano M., “On the calculation method of ship maneuvering motion at the initial design phase”,(In Japanese), Journal of the Society of Naval Architecture of Japan, Vol. 147, 1980. 曾国正,“船舶操纵性能理论预测之研究”,中国造船有限公司,民国七十六年。