- Hirano所发表的某些结果对高速下的滑动给予了明确的验证。Some results published by Hirano provide clear evidence of sliding at high speeds.
- 莫贝里,C.A.V.(1898-1973)Carl Artur Vilhelm Moberg (1898~1973)
- 卢图利,A.J.M.(1898-1967)Albert John Mvumbi Luthuli (1898~1967)
- GB/T2524-1981海绵钛Sponge titanium
- 一条记录长1898字节,其中文摘长1020字节。The length of a record for a paper is fixed, 1898 bytes long, including abstract 1020 bytes.
- 奥金莱克,C.J.E.(1884-1981)Claude John Eyre Auchinleck (1884~1981)
- 1898至1915年,最高法院还复审过一些州的童工法。The Supreme Court during the period 1898-1915 also reviewed a number of state child labor laws.
- GB/T2563-1981褐煤蜡灰分测定方法Lignite wax--Determination of ash content
- 1898至1915年,最高法院还复审过一些州的童工法。The Supreme Court during the period 1898-1915 also reviewed a number of state child labor laws.
- GB/T2559-1981褐煤蜡熔点测定方法Lignite wax--Determination of melting point
- GB/T205-1981高铝水泥化学分析方法Test method for analysis of high alumina cement
- (1815-1898)在他的领导下德国走向统一联合的德国政治家。(1815-1898) German statesman under whose leadership Germany was united.
- 光绪二十四年(1898),清政府正式宣布将北戴河辟为避暑山地。In 1898, during the reign period of Emperor Guangxu of Qing, the Chinese government announced officially that Beidaihe would be developed into a summer resort.
- GB/T2562-1981褐煤蜡中苯不溶物测定方法Lignite wax--Determination of benzene insoluble substance
- GB/T2583-1981陶瓷地砖抗压强度试验方法Test method for compressive strength of ceramic floor tiles
- 作曲家乔治·格什温生于1898.9.26,他很早就开始练习钢琴。Composer George Gershwin was born on September 26, 1898, and began taking piano lessons at an early age.
- GB/T2584-1981陶瓷地砖冲击韧性试验方法Test method for impact toughness of ceramic floor tiles
- 在基奇纳勋爵领导下的一支英国-埃及军队战胜苏丹人的一次战斗(1898)。a battle (1898) in which an Anglo-Egyptian army under Lord Kitchener defeated the Sudanese.
- GB/T2564-1981褐煤蜡酸值和皂化值测定方法Lignite wax--Determination of acid value and saponification value
- 在西班牙-美国战争(1898)战争里的一次海军战斗;海军上将杜威领导下的美国舰队战胜西班牙舰队。a naval battle in the Spanish-American War (1898); the American fleet under Admiral Dewey defeated the Spanish fleet.