- 爱丁堡的城市郊区化问题研究(1767-1890)On the Suburbanization of Edinburgh (1767-1890)
- 高kHigh-k
- 从1890到1920年,是社会福音运动达到成熟的年代。The year from 1890 to 1920 saw the social gospel come of age.
- K肥K fertilizer
- (kk
- 把从1至n之间的数连写成一个十进数,总位数是1890。When the number from 1 to n are written in decimal notation the total number of digits is 1890.
- k/nk-out-of-n
- 把从1至n之间的数连写成一个十进数,总位数是1890。When the number from 1 to n are written in decimal notation the total number of digits is 1890.
- K泡potassium bubble
- K镜K mirror
- K相K phase
- K-BK-B
- K=1K=1
- K-LKarhunen-Loeve
- K均值K-means
- K分布K-distribution
- K/S值K/S value
- K参数K element
- K值法K value method
- K-D树K-D tree