- Hilary Swank won the Oscar Award for best actress. 希拉里?斯万克获得奥斯卡最佳女主角奖项。
- Hilary Swank plays Maggie in Million Dollar Baby. 布拉里?斯万克在《百万宝贝》中扮演麦琪。
- In high school,Oscar-winning actress Hilary Swank was an excellent athlete. 奥斯卡奖得主希拉里-斯万克在读高中时是一位优秀的运动员。
- In high school, Oscar-winning actress Hilary Swank was an excellent athlete. ??奥斯卡奖得主希拉里-斯万克在读高中时是一位优秀的运动员。
- James | Eva Kolodner | Jeff Sharp Hilary Swank | James St. James | Eva Kolodner | Jeff Sharp Hilary Swank | James St. 监制: Hilary Swank | James St.;James | Eva Kolodner | Jeff Sharp 希拉莉诗韵 | James St
- Big-screen newcomer Hilary Swank became the year's leading actre for her towering performance as a gender-confused youth in Boys Don't Cry. 新晋影星希拉莉史云克,在《没哭声的抉择》一片里饰演一个性别模糊的少年人,演技光芒四射,荣膺金像影后。
- Big-screen newcomer Hilary Swank became the year's leading actress for her towering performance as a gender-confused youth in Boys Don't Cry. 新晋影星希拉莉史云克,在《没哭声的抉择》一片里饰演一个性别模糊的少年人,演技光芒四射,荣膺金像影后。
- DO: Highlight the natural color of your lips with a sheer gloss( as seen on Halle Berry and Hilary Swank) that has a slight beige or bronze pigment. 用浅米色或古铜色的透明唇膏来点亮你自然的唇色,哈里·瑞和希拉里·万克就是这样。
- Hilary Swank has done movie characters based on real people before; but the actress found playing "Amelia" especially challenging. 希拉蕊之前就曾饰演真人的角色;但这位女星发觉演“阿米莉亚”特别具挑战性。
- James Lipton Takes on Three: Roundtable with Clint Eastwood, Hilary Swank, Morgan Freeman and Moderator James Lipton, recorded the day after the Academy Awards. 詹姆士·利普顿团队:克林特·伊斯特伍德,希拉里·斯万科,摩根·弗里曼和协调员詹姆士·利普顿协商会议,记录获奥斯卡奖第二天.
- Now astronaut Rebecca (Hilary Swank) and Dr Keyes Josh must venture to the core to reactivate the planet’s electromagnetic field or human will perish... 太空人莉贝嘉(希拉莉丝韵)与左舒等科学家甘冒生命危险深入地核,完成这项主宰全球生命生死的任务!
- Holly Kennedy(Hilary Swank) is beautiful, smart, and married to the love of her life-a passionate, funny and impetuous Irishman named Gerry(Gerard Butler). 霍莉(希拉里?斯万克饰)与盖里(杰拉德?巴特勒饰)深爱彼此,虽然有时候他们会有争吵,可是这些都是他们生活中的情趣。
- Hilary Swank won an Oscar for Best Actress in a Leading Role for Boys Don't Cry in2000 and Golden Globe for Best Performance by an Actress in a Motion Picture, Drama in the same year and for the same movie. 希拉里·万卡在影片《男孩不哭》中饰演主角获得了2000年奥斯卡最佳女主角,而且,同年同部影片获得了金球奖剧情片最佳女主角。
- DO: Highlight the natural color of your lips with a sheer gloss (as seen on Halle Berry and Hilary Swank) that has a slight beige or bronze pigment. "It works with almost any eye makeup," says Gage. 用浅米色或古铜色的透明唇膏来点亮你自然的唇色,哈里?贝瑞和希拉里?斯万克就是这样。这样的唇色几乎可与任何眼妆搭配。
- I never knew that Hilary Swank could be so woman; 我从来不知道希拉里-斯旺克可以变得那么女人;
- Hilary, come over and meet Sally. 希拉里,过来认识一下萨莉。
- They've got a down on arrogance and swank. 他最讨厌自高自大和虚张声势。
- Hugo waved as he passed Hilary in his car. 雨果开汽车从希拉里旁边经过时摆了摆手。
- Hilary' s face became very grave. 希拉里的面容变得非常严峻。
- Hilary put the box on the table. 希拉莉把盒子放在桌上。