- Yesterday I visited a small, but growing, high tech company run by engineers turned entrepreneurs who showed me two examples of their work. 我昨天拜访问了一个小型的,但是正在成长的高技术公司。这个公司由曾经是工程师的企业家所经营,他们向我介绍了其研发工作的两个实例。
- Many engineers at these high tech companies hail from the Asia Pacific. 这些高科技公司的科技工作者也将热烈欢迎来自亚太地区的同行们。
- Company Overview:Oerlikon is among the worlds most successful industrial high tech companies focusing on machine and system engineering. 公司概况: Oerlikon公司是全球著名的高科技公司,致力于机器设备和系统工程。
- Last year the bubble burst, dragging down the shares of all high tech companies, including Microsoft. 去年网络泡沫破裂,致使包括微软在内的所有高技术公司的股价直线下降。
- Then there was the dotcom truouble. Last year the bubble burst,dragging down the shares of all high tech companies,including Microsoft. 接着便是网络公司陷入困境,去年网络泡沫破裂,致使包括微软在内的所有高技术公司的股价直线下降。
- Then there was the dotcom truouble. Last year the bubble burst, dragging down the shares of all high tech companies, including Microsoft. 接着便是网络公司陷入困境,去年网络泡沫破裂,致使包括微软在内的所有高技术公司的股价直线下降。
- Researching on the Staff's Psychology Cost of Organization Transforming in High Tech Company 高科技企业组织变革中的员工心理成本问题初探
- You overvalued the high tech of that product. 你对那种产品的高科技性评价过高了。
- Whys Analysis on Foreign Direct Investment of Chinese High Tech Companies 中国高新技术企业对外直接投资的动因分析
- High tech weapons = ooooooo cool toys? 高科技武器=很酷的玩具?
- Everything their doing is pretty much high tech. 他们所做的一切几乎都是高科技。
- It is elegant, sporty,high tech. 是典雅、运动和高科技。
- And there are high tech toys for grownups, too. 超市里还为成人准备了高科技玩具。
- The Complete Handbook for Creating Suc cessful New High Tech Companies 高新技术创业:如何创造成功的高新技术公司
- Only then can we truly reap the benefits of a "high tech" sector. 只有这样,我们才能够真正享受到“高科技”的好处。
- The quest of a cure for disease with high tech has never ceased. 人们希望运用高科技治疗疾病的追求从未停止过。
- Beijing China Scape Sci &Tech Co., Ltd is a high &new tech company registered in Zhongguancun sci &tech park, which is established by Beijing Triones Technology &Development Co. 北京华景天润科技有限公司 是注册在中关村科技园区内的高新技术企业,由国华电力公司所属北斗兴业科技发展有限公司、北京高景宏泰科技发展有限责任公司等股东共同成立。
- Our company is a fair branch, the labor, the trade in a body multiplex high tech enterprise. 我公司是一家集科、工、贸于一体的多元化高科技企业。
- Our company is a new and high tech corporation ,professionally R&D and manufactures auto control equipment for mine. 简介:我公司是专业从事矿山自动化设备研制开发和生产销售的高新技术企业。
- Luohe Qingshan High Tech Bio-Technology Development Co., Ltd. 漯河市青山高科技生物技术开发有限公司