- I hope to demonstrate my ability talents in my field adequately. 我希望能充分展示我在这个行业的能力和智慧。
- Buckwheat had a high ability for aluminum absorption and accumulation. 荞麦对环境中的铝有很强的吸收和积累能力,随着铝处理浓度的增大,荞麦植物体内铝积累量增加。
- A strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae ZJUS1 was screened out with high ability to accumulate SAM. 通过对酵母菌株的产SAM能力的筛选,发现酿酒酵母ZJUS1在补加L-蛋氨酸的条件下具有较高的SAM生产能力;
- Developing Liaoning needs large number of people with high ability in science and technology. 摘要振兴辽宁老工业基地,需要建设一支素质优良、结构合理的科技人才大军。
- Strong of technology power, have a passel of high ability management expert and IT elite. 公司技术力量雄厚,拥有一批高水平的管理专家和IT精英。
- In this paper we propose a fuzzy traffic policer with high ability in detection of violating sources. 在本文中,提出了一种具有高检测违约信元能力的模糊控制器。
- The enzyme has a high ability to degraded fibrin or activated plasminogen on the fibrinolytic system . 许多学者研究指出纳豆激酶具有提高血浆中血纤维蛋白酶之水解活性,且可直接水解血纤维蛋白。
- Must demonstrate a high ability on observation skills, communication skills and written skills. 具有敏锐的观察力、应变能力和沟通能力、文字表达能力。
- Actinomycete had the higher ability of deodorization. 放线菌除臭能力较强。
- Strong of technology power, have a passel of high ability management expert and IT elite. 公司技术力量雄厚,拥有一批高水平的治理专家和IT精英。
- Such detectors work at save voltage and have high ability and high gain without sparking or charge accumulation. 在很安全的电压下,不出现打火或电荷堆积就可以实现高计数率下的高增益。
- Have a well thought of the world events, devote ourselves to the students, and nerve all-round abilities talent with economic mind, philosophical thinking and political awareness. 胸装天下大事,心献繁华学子,培养有经济头脑、哲学思维和政治敏锐性的复合型人才。
- Capparis Spinosa L is a winter-deciduous medical shrubs with the high ability to drought resistance. 摘要刺山柑是一种冬季落叶的、抗旱能力比较强的药用植物。
- Facing the Regional EconomicsTraining High Technical Ability Talents 面向区域经济 培养高技能人才
- The results showed that CC-20DV catalyst had high activity,stability,resistance to vanadium and high ability of residuum conversion. 结果表明,CC-20DV型催化剂具有较高的活性、稳定性、抗钒性能和较高的重油转化能力;
- The most gifted students, for example, may need a curriculum enriched and accelerated beyond even the needs of other students of high ability. 拿最有天份的学生来说,他们可能需要浓缩的快速的课程,这种需要也许要超越其它高能力的学生。
- The results show that planting trees have a high ability of absorbability, which depends on air pollutants and plant species. 研究结果表明:绿化树种对大气污染具有很强的吸滞能力,并依污染气体和树种的不同具有明显差异。
- High ability of spikelet formation of short-duration varieties could be attributable to high nitrogen content in leaf sheath at panicle initiation stage. 可将小日月品种小穗形成能力高归因于小穗分化初期叶鞘中的氮含量高。
- It can measure, give an alarm, adjust the temperature&humidity and change initial value automaticly.It's lowcost, high ability in anti -jamming, more abroad application area etc. 该系统可以自动或通过键盘选择通道后检测、报警、调节室内温度和湿度,并且可以改变初始设定值,具有成本低、抗干扰能力强、使用范围更加广泛等优点。
- Hybrid Enhanced Perforator, with the high ability of cracking and slug-eliminating, can suitably expand the gun diameter and reduce the damages to the casing. 双复射孔器可以适当扩大枪径,提高了射孔枪的承载能力,具有避免炸枪、环空峰压减缓、作用时间加长等特点。