- High manganese stee 高锰钢
- Through the explosive induration experiment of high manganese steel, safety and insensitive explosives was selected. 通过高锰钢的爆炸硬化实验,选出适用于爆炸硬化的安全钝感炸药。
- Abstract: Through the explosive induration experiment of high manganese steel, safety and insensitive explosives was selected. 文摘:通过高锰钢的爆炸硬化实验,选出适用于爆炸硬化的安全钝感炸药。
- The results show that it can be used in carbon steel, high manganese steel, iron or cuprum alloys castings. 生产性试验表明,该涂料用于生产碳钢、高锰钢、铸铁及铜合金铸件均可获得令人满意的结果。
- High temperature graphitizing annealing kinetics for high manganese malleable cast iron has been investigated. 对高锰可锻铸铁的高温石墨化退火动力学进行了研究。
- The low temperature fracture mechanism of high manganese austenitic steels is studied. 研究了高锰奥氏体钢的低温断裂机制。
- Meanwhile, because of the collective effect of these strengthening mechanisms, the hardness, wear resistance and service life of high manganese ... 由于这几种强化机制的共同作用,致使高锰钢的硬度、耐磨性及实际使用寿命都得到一定提高。
- The study of damage of low temperature brittleness on high manganese steel has been carried out by theoretical analysis and a series of impact tests. 通过理论分析和系列冲击试验,对高锰钢出现的低温脆性损坏进行了分析研究。
- The mechanism that increases the wearability for microalloying of high manganese steels and the concerned processes is introduced in this paper. 对高锰钢微合金化提高耐磨性的机理及有关工艺作了详细介绍。
- Our products: Various gray iron, ductile iron, common cast steel, low-alloy steel, high manganese steel, etc various parts of architectural and mechanical engineering. 本公司主要生产各种灰铁件、球铁件、铸钢件、高猛钢件等各种建筑、工程机械用零部件。
- Effect of polarization potential on the corrosion-wear behavior of high manganese steel in ore slurry was investigated by a self-made impact corrosive-wear tester. 通过自制的冲击腐蚀磨损试验机,施加不同极化电位对高锰钢在矿浆介质中的冲击腐蚀磨损行为进行了试验研究。
- The results have shown that under the high velocity impactig of alundum particles, high manganese steel had the typical erosion behaviors of ductile metals. 结果表明,在高速氧化铝粒子冲蚀下,高锰钢仍具有典型延性材料的冲蚀磨损特性。
- Now this problem can be solved using aluminohermic welding ,since the separation of carbide and the formmation of liquid crack ware controlled in HAZ of high manganese steel. 本文采用铝热焊方法进行焊接,发现在铝热焊条件下,高锰钢热影响区的碳化物析出与液化裂纹的产生都得以有效抑制。
- High manganese steels undergo a ductile to brittle transition at low temperature, which is accompanied by a change in the fracture mechanism from dimple fracture to intergranular fracture. 高锰奥氏体钢随温度降低其断裂机制由韧窝状断裂转变到晶界断裂。
- In this paper, erosion behaviors of high manganese steel under high velocity impacting of alundum particles (200m/s) have been investigated by erosion surface morphology,debris morphology and hardness of subcrust analysis. 本文通过对高锰钢的磨损表面形貌、磨屑形貌和次表层硬度的分析等手段研究了高速氧化铝粒子(200m/s)冲蚀下高锰钢的磨损特性。
- In this paper, erosion behaviors of high manganese steel under high velocity impacting of alundum particles (200m/s) have been investigated by the analysis of erosion surface morphology,debris morphology and hardness of subcrust. 通过对高锰钢的磨损表面形貌、磨屑形貌和次表层硬度的分析等手段研究了高速氧化铝粒子(200m/s)冲蚀下高锰钢的磨损特性。
- The forming reasons of the creak on railway frog crossing of high manganese steel during heat treatment process were analyzed,and heat treatment process was improved.The creak has been eliminated. 分析了高锰钢辙叉在热处理过程中裂纹的形成原因,改进了热处理工艺,并在生产中得到验证,消除了裂纹废品。
- Detailed studies on formation and characteristics of dislocation-free zones (DFZ) in the high manganese austenitic steel, 304L steel and brass with face-center-cubic structure have been carried out. 论文观察分析了高锰奥氏体钢、304L钢和黄铜等面心立方金属中晶内无位错区(DFZ)的形成及特征。
- High manganese steel are widely used for its excellent abrasionresistance.However it is difficult to avoid defects of decarburization, grain growth, cracking and deformation during heat treatment. 高锰钢的优良耐磨性能使其有广泛的应用范围,但在热处理过程中却难以保证所要求的显微组织,并容易引起脱碳、晶粒长大、裂纹和变形。
- The corrosive impact wear behavior and mechanism of high manganese steel and low carbon high alloy steel as new liner material were investigated under impact energy of 2.0J in acid-ironstone slurry. 研究了在酸性铁矿石浆料及2.;0J冲击功条件下;高锰钢及新型低碳高合金钢衬板的冲击腐蚀磨损性能和机制。