- Approximately 12% to 30% of U.S. Air Force and U. S. Navy pilots flying high performance aircraft experience G-LOC. 但由于目前对反复高G暴露是否会带来严重危害尚不清楚,故对高性能战斗机飞行员在高G训练时体验G-LOC的科学性与安全性还存在异议。
- The control allocation problem for high performance aircraft with multi-control-effectors were introduced. 摘要介绍了多操纵而布局飞机飞控系统中冗余控制量分配问题的提出、数学描述及研究发展。
- High sustained +Gz acceleration produced by modern high performance aircrafts can induce brain damage because of ischemia and hypoxia. 现代高性能战斗机产生的高G值持续性正加速度可导致脑缺血、缺氧,继而引起脑功能障碍。
- Hearing standard for pilot of high performance aircraft 高性能战斗机飞行员听力标准探讨
- Control Allocation for High Performance Aircraft with Multi-Control Effectors 多操纵面先进布局飞机控制分配技术研究
- Analysis of Ear Function in Pilots Under Physical Examination for Modification to Equipment of High Performance Aircraft 高性能战斗机改装体检飞行员的耳功能分析
- Provide a complete, high performance, multi-thread world wide web server. 提供一个完整、高效、多线程的万维网服务器。
- High Performance Aircraft 高性能飞机
- High Performance On Demand Solution Team. 在部署高可用性解决方案时的经验。
- Large crusher feed opening yields high performance. 破碎机大下料口产生高性能。
- What is a High Performance Cross-Cultural Team? 高效跨文化团队定义?
- Invest in high performance disks and spindles. 投资高性能磁盘和心轴。
- It pro-vides a promising high performance latexes. 氟硅改性丙烯酸乳液是一种发展前景良好的高性能乳液。
- With our experience of 95years in the aviationg industry PFW today provides a high performance approach for a wide variety of systems for aircraft . 秉承95年的航空业经验,今天PFW公司已能为各系列航空器提供高性能服务。
- The design of high performance dustproof , the dinky maintenance. 高性能防尘设计,保养维护量极小。
- The HISAC is an aerodynamically configured cargo container which will be transported and delivered as an external store by high performance tactical aircraft. HISAC是一种通过航空动力学方式构造的货箱,它由高性能的战术飞机作为货物的外体进行运输和交付。
- High performance communication telephone line, data line filters. 高性能通信电话及数据滤波器。
- How to Build High Performing Team? 高绩效团队建设?
- The Reseach of High Performance Virtual Digital Oscillograph. 高性能虚拟数字示波器的研究。
- National High Performance Computing Foundation under Grant No. 国家高性能计算基金。