- Higashiyama Chieko 东山千荣子(1890-1980),日本人,女演员。
- Higashiyama, Higashiyama Tenno (jap. 东山天皇) - 113.
- We see Chieko tell Minoru she wants to go to Tokyo and start a new life with Takeru. 千惠子告诉秀她想去东京与健开始新的生活。
- The police call Chieko's death an accident, but soon after Minoru cracks -- and confesses his guilt. 警察将这一事件认定为意外,但很快,秀承认了自己的罪行。
- A polar bear coated in hard-to-rinse-off algae gazes at gawking visitors to the Higashiyama Zoo and Botanical Gardens. 一只在海藻生长过度的池塘里游过泳的北极熊,身上被海藻染成了绿色,很难清洗掉了。
- Takeru later meets Chieko (Yoko Maki), an old flame who works at the gas station, and spends a passionate night with her at her apartment. 后来健遇到了一个在加油站工作很多年的热心人千恵子(横真希),并与她发生了关系。
- Inspired by the hit song by Baisho Chieko, Yamada wrote and directed the eponymous film The Sunshine Girl, his first feature film. 1963把倍赏千惠子主唱的大热流行曲<平民区的太阳>构思成同名电影,乃首次执导的长篇电影。
- On the stand, Minoru recants his confession: When Chieko fell on the bridge, he says, he tried to help her up, but she slipped off. 但法庭上,秀否认了自己先前的证词:千惠子要掉下去的时候他试着拉她上来,但是没有成功。
- Kaii higashiyama is an outstanding landscape painter and prose writer in Japan.His prose is a confession of not only his art philosophy, but also his life philosophy. 摘要东山魁夷是日本杰出的风景画家和散文家,他的散文既是艺术哲学的自白,也是人生哲学的自白。
- The main character (played by Higashiyama Noriyuki from the old JOHNNY's group shounentai) is a detective who has an endless appetite, and is constantly eating. 当美食与侦探联系在一起的时候,如果还是那般严肃和紧张,多多少少破坏了美味了呢,是不是呢?
- Shabani, who weighs 110kg, arrived in Japan from Sydney's Taronga Zoo in June.It is hoped that he might breed with one of Higashiyama Zoo's three female gorillas. 体重约110公斤的夏巴尼六月从澳洲雪梨的塔隆加动物园运抵日本,东山动物园方面希望牠可以与园内的三只母猩猩繁殖后代。
- Chieko Asanuma, 28, who delivered her second child five months ago, said she was a little anxious about the new system at first, which does have glitches like bad signals and dropped links. 5个月前,28岁的浅沼千惠子生下第二个小孩,她说,刚开始她对这套新系统有点疑虑,因为它会发生收讯不良、连线中断这类故障。
- I said I completely understand this painting;there was no need for me to make any poems.She has truly inherited the teaching of Kaii Higashiyama and completely understood the water in this lake. 我说,我看懂了这画,我不必要再作诗了,她真是东山魁夷的弟子,是最深知这兴庆宫公园的湖水了。
- Higashiyama Kaii 东山魁夷(1908-99),日本人,画家。
- Abe Chieko 阿部千惠子(1938-),日本人,芭蕾舞演员。
- Hara Chieko 原智惠子(1915-),日本人,女钢琴家。
- Higashiyama Shūichirō 东山收一郎(1932-),日本人,军官。
- Higashiyama Masayoshi 东山正芳(1908-),日本人,文学教授。
- Hattori Chieko 服部智惠子(1908-84),日本人,女舞蹈家。
- Baishō Chieko 倍赏千惠子(1941-),日本人,女演员、歌人。