- Heterosporium terrestren. 土生疣蠕孢
- Translot La Borsa dei carichi e mezzi. Offre informazioni sui servizi di trasporto terrestre, aereo e marittimo. 四川省科技信息研究所含电子商务服务和本地经济、历史介绍。
- Corso Terrestre Guerillas: this unit is available when playing as Spain and your technology has sufficiently advanced. 当使用西班牙时和有招募的科技,这个单位是可利用的。
- heterosporium leaf spot of barley 大麦褐斑病
- heterosporium leaf spot of spinach 菠菜叶斑病
- 1808301[/attach] Corso Terrestre Guerillas: this unit is available when playing as Spain and your technology has sufficiently advanced. 当使用西班牙时和有足够的科技,这个单位是可利用的。
- heterosporium leaf spot 异孢菌
- Fusarium heterosporium 异孢镰刀菌
- Trichophyton terrestre 土发癣菌
- Uronema terrestren. 陆生尾丝藻
- Penium terrestren. 陆生柱形鼓藻
- Penicillium terrestre 土壤青霉菌
- Byssoporia terrestren. 地生棉状菌