- Heterodera marioni 住根异皮线虫
- Heterodera glycines is the most serious disease in the world soybean (Glycine max) production. 大豆孢囊线虫(Heterodera glycines)是危害大豆生产的世界性病害。
- Riggs R D, et al. Complete characterization of the race scheme for Heterodera glycines. Journal of Nematology, 1988, 20:392 - 395. 张磊;等.;黄种皮大粒高抗大豆孢囊线虫新品种皖豆16号
- Title: ADVANCES IN RESISTANCE TO SOYBEAN CYST NEMATODE (Heterodera glycines Ichinohe) AND RESISTANT MOLECULAR MARKERS IN SOYBEAN(Glycines max Merr. 关键词:大豆;胞囊线虫;小种鉴定;抗性遗传;分子标记
- The biocontrol effects of different bacteria on soybean root rot pathogen(Pythium aphanidermatum and Fusarium oxysporum) and Heterodera glycines were tested. 本试验对部分细菌菌株对大豆根腐病菌及大豆胞囊线虫的抑制效果进行了研究。
- The quantified cereal cyst nematodes(CCN) (Heterodera avenae)were inoculated at the same time as the wheat sowing. The life cyst was observed after rooting. 小麦播种时定量接种禾谷孢囊线虫(CCN)(Heterodera avenae)的孢囊,发芽生根后进行系统观察。
- A BLASTX research of the deduced amino acids sequence of Mj-l-1 demonstrated similarity to a gene from esophageal gland cells of Heterodera sp.. The similarity coefficient is 30%. 通过BLASTX比对,发现该蛋白与胞囊线虫食道腺内的分泌蛋白有30%25同源性。
- Abstract : Abstract: The reaction and population dynamics were studied between the resistant cultivar Yingxian small black soybean and Heterodera glycines race3(SCN3). 摘要 : 摘要:对抗病品种应县小黑豆与大豆胞囊线虫3号生理小种(SCN3)互作及田间动态关系进行了研究。
- Soybean cyst nematode ( Heterodera glycines Ichinohe ) 大豆胞囊线虫
- Studies on Intraspecific Diversity of Heterodera glycines'in China Using SDS-PAGE of Soluble Proteins 我国大豆胞囊线虫主要生理小种的可溶性蛋白电泳比较初步研究
- Inheritance of Resistance to Race 1 and Race 4 of Cyst Nematode(Heterodera glycines Ichinohe) in Soybeans 大豆对胞囊线虫(Heterodera glycines Ichinohe)1号和4号生理小种抗性的遗传分析
- Keywords Soybean, Heterodera glycines, Mechanism of resistance, RAPD analysis, Grouped resistant gene; 大豆;大豆胞囊线虫;抗性机制;RAPD分析;基因归类;
- Marioni 马里奥尼
- Hatch of soybean cyst nematode Heterodera glycines egg in root diffusate from resistant and susceptible soybean cultivars on different rotation systems 不同茬口种植的大豆品种根渗出物对大豆孢囊线虫卵孵化的影响
- [13]Yang Q S, et al.Screening and utilization of resistant resources to Heterodera glycines.Soybean Science, 1997, 16(2): 162 -167. (in Chinese). 颜清上;等.;大豆孢囊线虫病抗源筛选和利用研究概述
- Golden A.M., Epps J.M., and Riggs R.D., 1970, Terminology and identity of infra specific forms of soybean cyst nematode (Heterodera glycines), Plant Disease Reporter, 54:544-546 丁海,宛煜嵩,朱美霞,方宣钧,2003,大豆抗病基因同源序列的克隆分析,分子植物育
- [28]Yan Q S, et al.Biochemical responses of resistance to race 4 of Heterodera glycines in Chinese black soybean.Acta Agronomica Sinica, 1997,23(5): 529 - 537. (in Chinese). 颜清上;等.;中国小黑豆抗源对大豆孢囊线虫4号生理小种抗病的生化反应
- Heterodera radicicola [医] 住根异皮线虫
- Heterodera 异皮线虫属,异皮虫