- On Saturday Owen switched his place on the sofa for a seat in the stadium to watch the game between Bayern and Hertha BSC Berlin live at the Allianz Arena. 在星期六拜仁与柏林赫塔比赛时,欧文没有像往常一样躺在沙发上看电视上的直播比赛,而是在安联体育馆的座位上观看的现场比赛。
- Hertha BSC Berlin 柏林赫塔队
- It gives us something to build on.There'll be a huge festival after the last game against Hertha BSC. 我相信在我们和柏林赫塔的最后一场比赛之后,将是属于我们的一个盛大的节日。
- In the game against Hertha BSC he came on as substitute for Carsten Jancker in the 83rd minute. 在与柏林赫塔比赛的第83分钟他替换CarstenJancker出场。
- Kahn exits Germany's premier football stage on Saturday when he makes his 557th and last Bundesliga appearance at home to Hertha BSC. 卡恩将在本周六德甲联赛中主场等待柏林赫塔的挑战,这将是他第557场德甲联赛,当然也是最后一场。
- We made a journey from Paris to Berlin. 我们从巴黎到柏林旅行了一圈。
- He has been on confidential missions to Berlin. 他前往柏林执行秘密任务。
- Hertha BSC 柏林赫塔
- Passengers should check in for flight BA 125 to Berlin. 去柏林的英航125航班旅客请办理登机手续。
- “There's a good chance of all three playing on Saturday,“ revealed assistant coach Michael Henke, as Bayern look like being close to full strength for the final fixture at home to Hertha BSC. “周六的比赛三名球员都有希望商场,”亨克报告说,球队当然希望在最后一场的比赛中能够派出最强的阵容,完美收关。
- They were planning to move their office to Berlin. 他们打算把办事处迁到柏林。
- Stuttgart, for their part, lost Germany reserve goalkeeper Timo Hildebrand to Valencia. Their main addition is Turkey midfielder Yildiray Basturk from Hertha Berlin. 斯图加特,对于他们来说,失去了德国队替补守门员希尔德布兰,他去了瓦伦西亚。他们本赛季主要的引援是从柏林赫塔传入的土耳其中场巴斯图尔克。
- He captained the siege of Berlin. 他指挥了围攻柏林的战役。
- The match against Karlsruhe on Saturday) was my last match as a Hertha Berlin player," Voronin told Die Welt. “星期六与卡尔斯鲁厄的比赛是我作为柏林赫塔最后的一场比赛,”沃罗宁采访说道。
- Szetela's agent has confirmed contact with Galatasaray, Hertha Berlin, Parma, Siena, Everton, Sion, Rangers and Lazio. 斯泽泰拉的经纪人证实已有加拉塔萨雷;柏林赫塔;帕尔马;埃弗顿;西昂;哥拉斯各流浪者和拉齐奥等俱乐部联系.
- The soldiers are now stationed in Berlin. 那些士兵现驻扎于柏林。
- Hertha have the last word in situations like this. 赫塔队决定我的未来。
- No PR in group BSC and SD 5/25(20.8%). BSC组24例中;5例(20.;8%25)SD;无CR和PR者。
- Berlin lies between London, Rega and Vienna. 柏林位于伦敦、里加和维也纳之间。
- Hertha has signed another Brazilian international. 赫塔签下了又一名巴西外援。