- Here is what I bring on today 使网络化;使联网
- Here is what I have been told of the matter. 关于这件事别人是这样告诉我的:
- Here is what I'm getting at. I am not convinced that he is guilty. 这就是我的意思,我不相信他有罪。
- Listen: I've just had a brain storm. Here is what we should do. 听我说,我刚好想到个好主意。这就是我们该做的。
- Silver wings in a fiery sky Show the trail of my love and I Sing to you, Love is what I bring to you. 炽热天空中翱翔的银色飞翼拖曳着我爱你的轨迹我为你而唱那份爱正是我要带来给你的。
- What I’m talking about here is hibernation. 现在我要在这里聊的就是冬眠。
- Maybe what I write here is just my soliloquy. 无意粉饰这样的境界,算自言自语吧!
- Well, here is what I recommend-burn the perfect man checklist. That's right, lady, set it to fire. Here is why. 好,我的建议是烧掉完美男人清单。没错
- And that, in a nutshell, is what I did on my vacation. 简单说,那就是我假期中所做的。
- Love is what I bring to you. 我带给你爱。
- I've just had a brain storm. Here is what we should do. 我刚好想到个好主意。这就是我们该做的。
- That is what I will be focusing on for the month of March. 这是我三月份最主要的任务了。
- Version 1.10 includes some tuning and tweaking that I did after making my initial pass at the design. Here is what I changed. 10版本包括了最初设计后所做的一些调整。下面是我做的修整。
- For SP, here is what i suggest you do, press K, click on the active icon, top left, the one look like a sword, then at the bottom click Skill Empower button. 对于魔法值,这里我要给你的建议,按K键,点击活动图标,左上方的,你会看到一把剑,然后在这个按钮点技能增加(授权)按钮。
- What I have here is about drug companies and it's unpleasant. 我这儿的东西同药品公司有关,并且令人不快。
- That is what I have been thinking of doing. 那是我一直想做的事。
- Here is what the Buddha says to me. 这是佛陀所告诉我们的。
- I don't know what's wrong; I bring up most of what I've taken. 不知怎么搞的,我吃的东西大部分吐了出来。
- Here is what we want to tool up. 以下这些是我们所需要的机器。
- That is what I have learned from the local cadres . 这是我从当地干部那里获悉的情况。