- Her voice rose in anger. 她因愤怒而提高了嗓门.
- Her voice rose in excitement. 她的嗓门因兴奋而提高。
- Towser's voice rose in anger. Towser抬高了声音,充满了愤怒。
- Her voice rose higher and higher with excitement. 她的嗓门因激动而提得越来越高。
- Joyful cries and laughing voice rose in the night air. 在夜晚的空气中,传出兴奋的叫声与欢乐的笑声。
- It will destroy us,’ and her voice rose shrilly. ‘Throw it away, Kino. 它会把我们毁掉的,”接着她的声音变得又高又尖了。
- Voices rose in a crescendo and drowned him out. 人们讲话的声音越来越大,盖过了他的声音。
- She felt anger rise in her heart. 她感到心中冒起怒火。
- There was a hint of anger in her voice. 她的声音中有生气的迹象。
- Her voice rose to a shriek. 她的声音提高变尖。
- She was rending her hair out in anger. 她气愤得直扯自己的头发。
- Her voice rose angrily. 她气得提高了嗓门。
- There was a tremor in her voice. 她的声音有点颤抖。
- There was hurt and real anger in her voice. 她的声音显得既难过又真的生气。
- Nobody knew what had caused her to blaze out in anger. 没有人知道什么事惹得她大发雷霆。
- The anger went out of her voice when the child began to cry. 孩子开始啼哭时,她声音中的怒气消失了。
- As his voice rose the tears began to roll down her cheeks. 随着他的嗓音提高,她的眼泪开始簌簌地直往下流。
- The cat arched its back in anger. 那只猫气得拱起了腰。
- There was an unfamiliar cadence in her voice. 她说话时带有一种不常听到的抑扬顿挫的声调。
- You could hear the quaver in her voice. 她的声音中能听出有些颤抖。