- Her warnings were ignored. 她提出的警告没有引起注意.
- Her warnings were ignored 她提出的警告没有引起注意.
- Scuffles have broken out between police and protestors outside Po Lam MTR Station. Police moved in to confiscate their loudspeakers after their repeated warnings were ignored. 请愿者与警方在宝琳站外发生推撞,警方多番劝喻无效后没收地铁示威者扬声器。
- Where extreme care has to be taken, data corruption or other nasty things may occur if these warnings are ignored. 需要极其小心,如果忽视警告信息,将会导致数据失效或者其他恶劣的情形。
- The zealous demonstrators were ignored by the media. 热情的示威游行者被新闻媒介忽视了。
- He is offended at being ignored. 他因受到冷落而生气。
- Her repeated apparitions and warnings were best proof that the threats of calamities were real. 她不断的显现与警告再再的证明灾难是真实的。
- The problems cannot be ignored or wished away. 这些问题不能忽视,也不能凭主观愿望使之消失。
- Try to judge what can be ignored. 要判断什么是可以放过去的。
- The warnings were forwarded to MacArthur's GHQ in Tokyo. 这一警告被送到了麦克阿瑟在东京的总司令部。
- These infrequent users cannot be ignored. 这些偶尔使用者的人数很少,但也不能被忽略。
- These recommendations can safely be ignored. 这些推荐信大可不必理会。
- Because of her warning, I was careful. 由于她的提醒,我很小心。
- The Soviet military buildup must not be ignored. 苏联军备的加强不容忽视。
- To say you were ignorant of the rules is no excuse. 说自己不知道规则是不能成为藉口的。
- The lunatic fringe are ignored by most members of the party. 绝大部分党员对极端分子不予理睬。
- She complained that her warnings to her daughter went in at one ear and out at the other. 她抱怨说她对她女儿的警告毫无用处。
- I heard her warning shout too late. 我听到她的大声警告,但已经太晚了。
- This state of affairs can no longer be ignored. 再不能无视这种情况了。
- Her warning shout came too late. 她发出的警告呼喊声来得太晚了。