- Her skirts gave a swish. 她衣服的下摆发出沙沙声。
- Her skirts gave a swish . 她衣服的下摆发出沙沙声.
- She turned away with a swish of her skirt. 她一转身就走了,裙子窸窸窣窣地响着。
- There is a side vent on her skirt. 她的裙子上有一个侧边的开衩。
- She gave her skirt a whirl as she entered the room. 她走进房间时转了一圈她的裙子。
- Giving a swish with your arse in the air, don't you know what they're saying? 你让衣裙在空中舞动,难道听不懂他们的言语?
- She gave a shrug of her shoulders. 她耸了耸肩膀。
- He gave a description of what he had seen. 他描述了他所见到的一切。
- Her skirt has very exquisite lace. 她的裙子有非常精致的花边。
- She sew a frill on the bottom of her skirt. 她在裙摆下缝了条褶边。
- She gave a talk on her visit to China. 她就访华情况发表了非官方的讲话。
- She gathered up her skirts and ran. 她提起裙摆就跑了。
- She gave a coy smile when he paid her a compliment. 他恭维她时,她忸怩作态地笑了笑。
- Her hand brushed a speck of lint from her skirt. 她的手掸掉衣裙上的一点棉花絮。
- No man told her that her skirt snagged on a nail. 没人告诉她,她的裙子钩在钉子上了。
- She hitched up her skirt so as not to get it wet. 她把裙子往上提起,免得弄湿了。
- The girl sat trifling with her skirt. 女孩子坐着摆弄裙子。
- The Supreme Court gave a fair trial to the case. 最高法院对这一案件作出了公正的审判。
- Her skirt ballooned in the wind. 她的裙子让风吹得鼓起来了。
- He gave a bunch of flowers to his girlfriend. 他送给女友一束花。