- Her pulse quickened with fear at the sight. 看到这景象她害怕得脉搏加快了。
- Her pulse quickened. 她的脉搏加快了.
- My pulse quickened when I saw the frightful sight. 当我看到这个可怕的景象时,我的脉搏跳得更快了。
- Her pulse quickened 她的脉搏加快了.
- The doctor felt her pulse on her wrist. 这位医生在她的手腕上号脉。
- Let me feel her pulse,and take her temperature. 我来给她把脉和量体温。
- The doctor took her pulse and looked worried. 医生替她诊完脉,神情忧虑。
- The doctor was feeling her pulse. 医生正在为她号脉。
- The doctor felt her pulse and wrote a prescription. 医生为她诊脉,开了药方。
- He heard a footfall in the passage outside and felt his pulse quicken. 他听到外面走廊上有脚步声,感觉自己的脉搏加快了。
- Let me feel her pulse, and take her temperature. 我来给她把脉和量体温。
- Her pulse began to quicken, even as she cut down one knight and hurled his bleeding body toward one of the spellcasters. 她的脉搏开始加速,尽管她已经干掉了一名骑士,并把他流血的尸体抛向了一名施法者。
- Fear quickened her pulse . 恐惧加快了她的脉搏。
- The Prime Minister's pulse quickened at the very thought of these accusations, for they were neither fair nor true. 一想到这些谴责,首相的心跳就加快了,因为这些东西既不公平也不真实。
- Fear quickened her pulse. 恐惧加快了她的脉搏。
- Fear sent her pulse racing(= made it beat very quickly). 她吓得脉搏急速跳动。
- How do you know she's dead? Did you check her pulse? 你是怎么知道她已经死了?你查看她的脉搏了吗?
- As Dagan scurried along the sidewalk, her pulse raced. 当达冈沿着人行道匆匆前行时,她的脉搏剧烈地跳动着。
- As Dagan scurried along the sidewalk,her pulse raced. 当达冈沿着人行道匆匆前行时,她的脉搏剧烈地跳动着。
- His pulse quickened. 他的脉搏加快。