- Her manner was aloof. : 她的态度冷淡。
- Her manner was almost passionate. 她的态度几乎是相当诚恳。
- Her manner was cold and distant. 她的态度冷漠而疏远。
- Her manner was friendly and she was smiling. 她态度友好,春风满面。
- Her manner was too dejected and despairing. 她那神情显得那么垂头丧气,那么绝望。
- Her manner was coldly dismissive. 她态度冷淡,不屑一顾。
- Her manner was polite but remote. 她的态度有礼,但很冷漠。
- If her manner was still harsh, recklessness had tempered it. 她的态度,如果仍然未改尖酸刻薄,那么轻率则使其不那么厉害了。
- Her manner was short and abrupt, yet faltering and timid. 她的态度有点唐突生硬,却又犹豫胆怯。
- Her manner was always very evasive; she would never look straight at me. 她的样子总是躲躲闪闪的; 从来不正眼看我.
- Her manner was that of one who is intensely disquieted and dissatisfied. 她的神态表明她心里乱糟糟,非常烦恼。
- Her manner was always very evasive;she would never look straight at me. 她的样子总是躲躲闪闪的;从来不正眼看我.
- The girl's manner was aloof. 姑娘的态度是冷淡的。
- His manner was aloof. 他的态度冷淡。
- Her manner was easy, dignified, and commanding, and seemed to evince high birth and habits or elevated society. 她仪态大方,庄重而威严,似乎表示出身名门,习惯于上层社会的生活。
- Her manners were intended to attract. 她的举止旨在引人注目。
- Her manners are above reproach . 她的举止无可非议.
- Already he took control in directing the conversation. His words were easy. Her manner was relaxed. 他现在在谈话中占了主导地位,因此轻松地随便聊着,她的拘束也消失了。
- 59. The girl's manner was aloof. 姑娘的态度是冷淡的。
- Her expression was aloof, poetic, rhapsodical. 她的表情是超然的,诗意的,狂放无羁的。