- Her eyes showed no fear. 她的眼神无丝毫畏惧。
- He showed no fear when he climbed the mountain. 他爬山时,展现他无畏无惧的态度。
- His features show no recognition, no fear, no hope. 他的脸上没有认人的表情,没有恐惧,没有希望。
- Her eyes showed plainly that she felt what she was saying. 她的眼睛表现出,她说出的是真实的感情。
- Her eyes showed that she was contending with a problem. 她的眼睛显示出她心里正有一个为难的问题。
- The faraway look in her eyes showed that she was thinking of something else. 她眼中恍惚的神情表示她正在想其他的事。
- But Arafat, with Israeli tanks only 200 metres away, showed no fear at all. 然而距以色列坦克仅仅200米的阿拉法特却没有表现出丝毫畏惧。
- As she works, Marie Galloway shows no fear. 在工作中,玛丽?加洛韦没有表现出惧怕。
- A fool knows no fear. A hero shows no fear. 愚者不识恐惧,英雄无所恐惧。
- The Galapagos are a bird-lover’s dream because here the birds show no fear. 加拉帕戈斯是爱鸟者的梦想天堂,因为这里的鸟儿对人完全没有戒心。
- The languid largeness of her eyes showed that her sleep had been little more than his own. 她那没精打采的大眼睛表明,她也并不比他多睡了多少。
- ResultsIn group A (0.05% ICG): the retinas of 18 porcine eyes showed no damage on histological structure. 组中;0.;05%25吲哚青绿溶液处理过的视网膜中有18只保持了正常的组织学结构。
- The girl sat up, her eyes wide with fear. 那女孩紧张地挺着身子,吓得睁大了眼睛。
- She fear her eyes may actually pop out of their socket. 她害怕她的眼睛会真的从眼窝里瞪出来。
- She looked at him with hate in her eyes. 她以憎恨的目光看着他。
- Her eyes are the most catching I have ever seen. 她的眼睛是我见到过的最迷人的。
- This Spiderman fan shows no fear as he scales the climbing wall at the Bricks House of Peace exhibit. 这位高空攀爬爱好者表现出毫无恐惧攀爬著和平砖块砌造之家所展示的攀岩墙壁。
- Japanese scientists say they've used genetic engineering to create mice that show no fear of felines, a development that may shed new light on mammal behavior and the nature of fear itself. 日本科学家说他们已经使用基因工程来创造出不显示出害怕猫科动物的老鼠,一个可以在哺乳动物行为和自身恐惧的天性上有新的发展。
- Despite replacing a franchise fixture in longtime GM Carroll Dawson, the 33-year-old Morey has shown no fear in putting his own stamp on the team. 尽管接替的是道森??火箭队多年雷打不动的特权人物,33岁的穆雷在改变火箭方面表现得大刀阔斧,无所畏惧,他要在这支队伍身上打下自己的烙印。
- She cast her eyes down to avoid direct eye contact. 她垂下双目以避免对视。