- Her displeasure was obvious because her seat was occupied. 由于位子被占,她明显不高兴。
- Her displeasure was obvious. 她的不悦是显而易见的。
- She swallowed her displeasure and smiled. 她抑制自己的不快,强颜欢笑。
- I incurred her displeasure by refusing the invitation. 我因拒绝邀请而惹怒了她。
- The mistake was obvious to all (those) present. 所有(那些)在场者一眼就看出那个错误。
- It was obvious that he was spoiling for a fight. 他显然很想打架。
- Their abomination of violence was obvious. 他们对暴力行为的痛恨是很明显的。
- Their anxiety to go was obvious. 他们想去的急切心情是显而易见的。
- His nervousness was obvious right from the start. 他从一开始就显然十分紧张。
- She showed her displeasure on the face. 她在脸上表现她的不愉快。
- My imprudent utterances incurred her displeasure. 我的鲁莽言论招致她的不悦。
- The closeness between the two was obvious. 他俩之间的亲密显而易见。
- Her contempt for foreigners was obvious. 她对外国人的蔑视显而易见。
- She made no attempt to hide her displeasure at the prospect. 她没有掩饰自己对前景并不乐观。
- As soon as met Liz, it was obvious we spoke the same language. 我和利兹一见面就明显得我们俩很谈得来。
- It was obvious that she did her hair before the party. 显然,她聚会前做了头发。
- She would even vie with Mrs.Zeng to give the boy a massage, showing her displeasure should she be waved away. 曾母说有时她在按摩儿子的腿时,小咪也会抢着要做,如果她想赶走小咪,小咪还会不高兴呢!
- By now, it was obvious that Mr. Oak Tree had a heart that matched his size. 不过现在,我清楚地知道橡树先生有一颗配得上他的身材的心灵。
- It was obvious, and it was dire. 这是显而易见的,也是悲惨可怕的。
- He was obviously in good condition. 他的身体显然很健康。