- Her cheeks were swollen out . 他的双颊都鼓起来了。
- Her cheeks were red after she ran up the stairs. 她奔上楼梯,两颊都涨红了。
- Her cheeks were bedewed with tears. 她的双颊被泪水沾湿了。
- Her cheeks were bathed in tears. 她泪流满面。
- Her cheeks were hot with embarrassment. 她的双颊窘得发烫。
- Her cheeks were streaming with sweat. 她的面颊满是汗水。
- Her cheeks were trickling with tears. 泪珠从她的面颊往下滴。
- His eye had not responded to treatment and his mouth and cheeks were swollen. 他的眼睛,治了也没见好多少。嘴和两边脸颊都肿着。
- Her cheeks' were netted with little purple veins. 她的双颊布满细红的血丝。
- Her cheeks were burning with shame. 她的脸颊因为羞耻而发烫。
- Her cheeks swell out . 她的双颊鼓起。
- Her cheeks swell out. 她的双颊鼓起。
- When she looked at her cousin again her cheeks were still very red. 她回头再瞧堂兄弟的时候,脸上还有一片红晕。
- Her cheeks are tinged with red . 她的两颊绯红。
- Her cheek was still forbidden fruit to him. 她的面颊,对他依然是禁果。
- Her cheeks were aflame. 她的两颊绯红。
- Her cheeks were pink with health, and her large round arms carried the piled-up dishes with never a tremor. 她脸颊上泛着健康的桃红色,两条粗大、浑圆的胳臂托着那些叠在一起的盘子,一抖也不抖一下。
- The hollows under her eyes are gone and her cheeks are as chubby as a baby's. 她眼睛下面的凹陷不见了,脸颊像个婴孩一样圆润。
- Some people were swollen by victory. 一些人被胜利冲昏头脑。
- This disease of childhood makes the cheeks swell out. 这种儿童病的特征是腮肿大。