- Her car streaked away. 她的汽车疾驰而去。
- The car streaked down the highway. 汽车在公路上疾驶而去。
- Susan have a close call in her car. 苏珊开车险些遇到意外。
- She offered me the loan of her car. 她提出把汽车借给我用。
- She got in her car and drove off. 她进入汽车里把车开走了。
- Miss Ida took her car to the garage to have the engine tuned up. 艾达小姐把车子开到修车厂去调整发动机。
- She backed her car out of the garage. 她从车库倒车出来。
- She sped away in her car with journalists in hot pursuit. 她开车迅速离去,记者们则在后面穷追不舍。
- She ran (ie drove) her car into a tree while reversing. 她倒车时撞著了一棵树。
- Twice the fish was nearly his and twice it streaked away, taking line with it. 鱼儿有两次都快到手了,但两次带着钓线溜跑了。
- She went through the roof when I told her I'd crashed her car. 我告诉她我把她的汽车撞坏了,她气得大发雷霆。
- She manage to keep control of her car on the ice. 她在冰上开车时,尽力控制住了汽车。
- She talked me into buying her car. 她说服我买她的汽车。
- She reversed her car into the garage. 她把汽车倒开进车库。
- Spain continued to pile on the pressure and streaked away to establish what turned out to be an unassailable 52-29 lead at the midway point. 之后,西班牙更给塞尔维亚施以重压,半场结束,取得了52-29的决定性优势。
- She suddenly got into a panic and stopped her car. 她突然惊慌失措起来,就把车停了。
- Spain continued to pile on the pressure and streaked away to establishwhat turned out to be an unassailable 52-29 lead at the midway point. 西班牙队不停地给塞尔维亚队施加压力,到中场时已经一骑绝尘,建立了牢不可破的52-29的领先优势。
- Her car goes faster than 110 miles per hour. 她的汽车的时速超过110英里。
- The window of her car was broken by a bough during last night's storm. 在昨晚的风暴中她的车窗被一根大树枝打破了。
- In the race both streaked away from the chasing pack, with the gap between Fangio and third-placed Karl Kling over a minute by the time they reached the flag. 莫斯以0.;2秒的领先从经验比他丰富的队友手中拿到了杆位。在比赛中,两人的速度都非常快。范吉奥和第三名卡尔-克林之间在抵达终点时的差距超过了一分钟。