- Hemorrhoids incarceration 痔嵌顿
- Chapter 5 Incarceration System of China. 第五章是监狱制度。
- Surgical removal of hemorrhoids. 痔除手术除去痔的外科手术
- Governance dry stool, bleeding hemorrhoids. 治大便干结、痔疮出血。
- Determine presence of hemorrhoids. 确定有无痔疮。
- Which Hemorrhoid Procedure Is Best? 哪里一种移除痔疮方法最好?
- Lap hemorrhoid Si end, only pure color line. 舐痔结驷,正色徒行。
- I have honestly been living that way since Ninoy's incarceration. 自从尼诺被监禁以来,我确实一直是照这个方式生活的。
- He hadn't changed much in his nearly three years of incarceration. 在将近三年的监狱生活中,他变化不大。
- The judge also cited the incarceration of Mr.Fastow's wife, Lea. 法官还引用了他妻子丽亚入狱的例子。
- Morfin died at Azkaban during his second incarceration (HBP17). 莫芬再次被关入阿兹卡班,没有刑满就死在监狱里了。
- Hemorrhoids can itch and bleed (usually bright red blood, during defacation). 痔疮发痒、出血(在损伤过程中通常是鲜红的血)。
- Hemorrhoid: Cleanse, Natto &Propolis (external apply). 痔疮:果汁,纳豆,蜂胶(外敷)。
- A little cover-up and some hemorrhoid creamfor the swelling... 化妆遮遮瑕。再用点痔疮膏消肿...
- Please, please set it free before it bursts from its long incarceration! 请你,请你将这颗心释放出来吧!否则它会因长期的禁闭而爆裂。
- In Sierra Leone, by contrast, no one will mourn Mr Taylor's incarceration. 不过在塞拉利昂,却没有人会对泰勒先生的羁押感到难过惋惜。
- Seen here is on colonoscopy are views of hemorrhoids at the anorectal junction. 肛门直肠交界处的痔疮的结肠镜检图。
- The causes of hemorrhoids are similar to the causes of varicose veins. 导致痔疮形成的原因跟静脉曲胀的形成原因差不多。
- Thus adjudication and incarceration of the violator may occur many years after the commission of the crime. 因此对违法者的审判和监禁可能发生在实施犯罪很多年以后。
- There were no recurrent hemorrhoids with a mean follow-up of 15 months. 在平均15个月的追踪期中,没有任何痔疮复发。