- Helan Mountain has abundant natural resources. 贺兰山自然资源丰富。
- There are 2, 000-year-old rock paintings on Helan Mountain. 贺兰山有2 000年前的岩石画。
- The characteristics of Helan Mountain flora of spermatophytes. 贺兰山种子植物区系的特征.
- Harnesses the long vehicle, treads broken, Helan Mountain lacks. 驾长车、踏破,贺兰山缺。
- Characteristic of 060714 rainfall and floodwater is unfrequent in many rainfall and floodwater of the Helan Mountain. 其特性在贺兰山暴雨洪水中是历次上少见的。
- Yinchuan in the Helan Mountain Rock Paintings of distribution, there is a clear geomorphological features. 银川境内贺兰山岩画的分布,有着明显的地貌特征。
- Legend has it Dayu flood control, split Helan Mountain, North Yellow River water flow. 相传大禹治水时,劈开贺兰山,引黄河水北流。
- Stone Mountain: produced in the Helan Mountain, as well as the quality, affordable rigid, purple green and white. 贺兰石:产于贺兰山,质地细密、刚柔相宜、紫绿相间。
- The Maowusu Desert lies to the east of the Helan mountain and the other lies to the west of it. 20世纪80年代至21世纪初,受北方气候变化与沙漠边缘地带人类活动强度加大的影响。
- The arid land in Western China refers to the vast areas in the west of Helan Mountain and the north of Kunlun Mountain. 从中国西部干旱区的界定、自然条件特点的分析出发,结合国家西部大开发战略的实施,指出进行该区生态环境演变与调控研究的重大意义。
- Yuzhong County in the geological structure at the Qi Lu on the Helan Mountain type structure of the west side. 榆中县在地质构造上位于祁吕贺兰山字型构造的西侧。
- Yinchuan City in the eastern foot of Helan Mountain, the distribution of an extremely rich heritage of rock paintings. 银川市境内贺兰山东麓,分布着极为丰富的岩画遗存。
- Neighboring the surging Yellow River and sitting against the lofty Helan Mountain, here is a unique geographic location. 临滔滔黄河水,依巍巍贺兰山,地理位置得天独厚。
- Helan stone produced in Ningxia Helan Mountain, as well as the texture of rocks, affordable rigid, purple green and white. 贺兰石产于宁夏贺兰山,山石质地细密、刚柔相宜、紫绿相间。
- After a warm greeting, he drove us to visit Helan Mountains without a stop. 互相寒暄之后,司机带我们一行马不停蹄驱车去参观贺兰山。
- A new species of Pseudostellaria (Caryophyllaceae) from Helan Mountains. 贺兰山孩儿参属(石竹科)一新种.
- Yaoba oasis of Barunbieli town lied in the conjoint place of Helan mountain diluvia sector and Tenggeli Desert in Alashan, and had a good agricultural production condition. 摘要阿拉善左旗巴润别立镇腰坝绿洲位于贺兰山山前洪积扇与腾格里沙漠交界处,农业生产条件较好。
- Helan Mountain Cliff Carving is the major evidence, through which we can study the social, economic and cultural activities of nomadic tribes who once lived there. 贺兰山岩画是研究曾经生活在这里游牧民族的社会、经济、文化生活活动的重要依据。
- Helan Mountain Rock Paintings in Mizonokuchi general distribution within and outside the mountain and Mizonokuchi, alluvial fan on the grassland desertification. 贺兰山岩画一般分布在沟口内外山体上和沟口外洪积扇荒漠草原上。
- Helan Mountain is temperate temperate desert grassland desertification and the line, but also a flow within the Northwest District and the outflow of the watershed area. 贺兰山是温带荒漠与温带荒漠草原的分界线,又是西北内流区与外流区的分水岭。